/* * valerie.c -- High Level Client API for miracle * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Ushodaya Enterprises Limited * Author: Charles Yates * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* System header files */ #include #include #include #include /* Application header files */ #include "valerie.h" #include "valerie_tokeniser.h" #include "valerie_util.h" /** Initialise the valerie structure. */ valerie valerie_init( valerie_parser parser ) { valerie this = malloc( sizeof( valerie_t ) ); if ( this != NULL ) { memset( this, 0, sizeof( valerie_t ) ); this->parser = parser; } return this; } /** Set the response structure associated to the last command. */ static void valerie_set_last_response( valerie this, valerie_response response ) { if ( this != NULL ) { if ( this->last_response != NULL ) valerie_response_close( this->last_response ); this->last_response = response; } } /** Connect to the parser. */ valerie_error_code valerie_connect( valerie this ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_server_unavailable; valerie_response response = valerie_parser_connect( this->parser ); if ( response != NULL ) { valerie_set_last_response( this, response ); if ( valerie_response_get_error_code( response ) == 100 ) error = valerie_ok; } return error; } /** Interpret a non-context sensitive error code. */ static valerie_error_code valerie_get_error_code( valerie this, valerie_response response ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_server_unavailable; switch( valerie_response_get_error_code( response ) ) { case -1: error = valerie_server_unavailable; break; case -2: error = valerie_no_response; break; case 200: case 201: case 202: error = valerie_ok; break; case 400: error = valerie_invalid_command; break; case 401: error = valerie_server_timeout; break; case 402: error = valerie_missing_argument; break; case 403: error = valerie_unit_unavailable; break; case 404: error = valerie_invalid_file; break; default: case 500: error = valerie_unknown_error; break; } return error; } /** Execute a command. */ valerie_error_code valerie_execute( valerie this, size_t size, const char *format, ... ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_server_unavailable; char *command = malloc( size ); if ( this != NULL && command != NULL ) { va_list list; va_start( list, format ); if ( vsnprintf( command, size, format, list ) != 0 ) { valerie_response response = valerie_parser_execute( this->parser, command ); valerie_set_last_response( this, response ); error = valerie_get_error_code( this, response ); } else { error = valerie_invalid_command; } va_end( list ); } else { error = valerie_malloc_failed; } free( command ); return error; } /** Execute a command. */ valerie_error_code valerie_receive( valerie this, char *doc, size_t size, char *format, ... ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_server_unavailable; char *command = malloc( size ); if ( this != NULL && command != NULL ) { va_list list; va_start( list, format ); if ( vsnprintf( command, size, format, list ) != 0 ) { valerie_response response = valerie_parser_received( this->parser, command, doc ); valerie_set_last_response( this, response ); error = valerie_get_error_code( this, response ); } else { error = valerie_invalid_command; } va_end( list ); } else { error = valerie_malloc_failed; } free( command ); return error; } /** Execute a command. */ valerie_error_code valerie_push( valerie this, mlt_service service, size_t size, char *format, ... ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_server_unavailable; char *command = malloc( size ); if ( this != NULL && command != NULL ) { va_list list; va_start( list, format ); if ( vsnprintf( command, size, format, list ) != 0 ) { valerie_response response = valerie_parser_push( this->parser, command, service ); valerie_set_last_response( this, response ); error = valerie_get_error_code( this, response ); } else { error = valerie_invalid_command; } va_end( list ); } else { error = valerie_malloc_failed; } free( command ); return error; } /** Set a global property. */ valerie_error_code valerie_set( valerie this, char *property, char *value ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "SET %s=%s", property, value ); } /** Get a global property. */ valerie_error_code valerie_get( valerie this, char *property, char *value, int length ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_execute( this, 1024, "GET %s", property ); if ( error == valerie_ok ) { valerie_response response = valerie_get_last_response( this ); strncpy( value, valerie_response_get_line( response, 1 ), length ); } return error; } /** Run a script. */ valerie_error_code valerie_run( valerie this, char *file ) { return valerie_execute( this, 10240, "RUN \"%s\"", file ); } /** Add a unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_add( valerie this, char *guid, int *unit ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_execute( this, 1024, "UADD %s", guid ); if ( error == valerie_ok ) { int length = valerie_response_count( this->last_response ); char *line = valerie_response_get_line( this->last_response, length - 1 ); if ( line == NULL || sscanf( line, "U%d", unit ) != 1 ) error = valerie_unit_creation_failed; } else { if ( error == valerie_unknown_error ) error = valerie_unit_creation_failed; } return error; } /** Load a file on the specified unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_load( valerie this, int unit, char *file ) { return valerie_execute( this, 10240, "LOAD U%d \"%s\"", unit, file ); } static void valerie_interpret_clip_offset( char *output, valerie_clip_offset offset, int clip ) { switch( offset ) { case valerie_absolute: sprintf( output, "%d", clip ); break; case valerie_relative: if ( clip < 0 ) sprintf( output, "%d", clip ); else sprintf( output, "+%d", clip ); break; } } /** Load a file on the specified unit with the specified in/out points. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_load_clipped( valerie this, int unit, char *file, int32_t in, int32_t out ) { return valerie_execute( this, 10240, "LOAD U%d \"%s\" %d %d", unit, file, in, out ); } /** Load a file on the specified unit at the end of the current pump. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_load_back( valerie this, int unit, char *file ) { return valerie_execute( this, 10240, "LOAD U%d \"!%s\"", unit, file ); } /** Load a file on the specified unit at the end of the pump with the specified in/out points. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_load_back_clipped( valerie this, int unit, char *file, int32_t in, int32_t out ) { return valerie_execute( this, 10240, "LOAD U%d \"!%s\" %d %d", unit, file, in, out ); } /** Append a file on the specified unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_append( valerie this, int unit, char *file, int32_t in, int32_t out ) { return valerie_execute( this, 10240, "APND U%d \"%s\" %d %d", unit, file, in, out ); } /** Push a service on to a unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_receive( valerie this, int unit, char *command, char *doc ) { return valerie_receive( this, doc, 10240, "PUSH U%d %s", unit, command ); } /** Push a service on to a unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_push( valerie this, int unit, char *command, mlt_service service ) { return valerie_push( this, service, 10240, "PUSH U%d %s", unit, command ); } /** Clean the unit - this function removes all but the currently playing clip. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_clean( valerie this, int unit ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "CLEAN U%d", unit ); } /** Clear the unit - this function removes all clips. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_clear( valerie this, int unit ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "CLEAR U%d", unit ); } /** Wipe the unit - this function removes all clips before the current one. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_wipe( valerie this, int unit ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "WIPE U%d", unit ); } /** Move clips on the units playlist. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_clip_move( valerie this, int unit, valerie_clip_offset src_offset, int src, valerie_clip_offset dest_offset, int dest ) { char temp1[ 100 ]; char temp2[ 100 ]; valerie_interpret_clip_offset( temp1, src_offset, src ); valerie_interpret_clip_offset( temp2, dest_offset, dest ); return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "MOVE U%d %s %s", unit, temp1, temp2 ); } /** Remove clip at the specified position. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_clip_remove( valerie this, int unit, valerie_clip_offset offset, int clip ) { char temp[ 100 ]; valerie_interpret_clip_offset( temp, offset, clip ); return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "REMOVE U%d %s", unit, temp ); } /** Remove the currently playing clip. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_remove_current_clip( valerie this, int unit ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "REMOVE U%d", unit ); } /** Insert clip at the specified position. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_clip_insert( valerie this, int unit, valerie_clip_offset offset, int clip, char *file, int32_t in, int32_t out ) { char temp[ 100 ]; valerie_interpret_clip_offset( temp, offset, clip ); return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "INSERT U%d \"%s\" %s %d %d", unit, file, temp, in, out ); } /** Play the unit at normal speed. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_play( valerie this, int unit ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "PLAY U%d 1000", unit ); } /** Play the unit at specified speed. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_play_at_speed( valerie this, int unit, int speed ) { return valerie_execute( this, 10240, "PLAY U%d %d", unit, speed ); } /** Stop playback on the specified unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_stop( valerie this, int unit ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "STOP U%d", unit ); } /** Pause playback on the specified unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_pause( valerie this, int unit ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "PAUSE U%d", unit ); } /** Rewind the specified unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_rewind( valerie this, int unit ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "REW U%d", unit ); } /** Fast forward the specified unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_fast_forward( valerie this, int unit ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "FF U%d", unit ); } /** Step by the number of frames on the specified unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_step( valerie this, int unit, int32_t step ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "STEP U%d %d", unit, step ); } /** Goto the specified frame on the specified unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_goto( valerie this, int unit, int32_t position ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "GOTO U%d %d", unit, position ); } /** Goto the specified frame in the clip on the specified unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_clip_goto( valerie this, int unit, valerie_clip_offset offset, int clip, int32_t position ) { char temp[ 100 ]; valerie_interpret_clip_offset( temp, offset, clip ); return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "GOTO U%d %d %s", unit, position, temp ); } /** Set the in point of the loaded file on the specified unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_set_in( valerie this, int unit, int32_t in ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "SIN U%d %d", unit, in ); } /** Set the in point of the clip on the specified unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_clip_set_in( valerie this, int unit, valerie_clip_offset offset, int clip, int32_t in ) { char temp[ 100 ]; valerie_interpret_clip_offset( temp, offset, clip ); return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "SIN U%d %d %s", unit, in, temp ); } /** Set the out point of the loaded file on the specified unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_set_out( valerie this, int unit, int32_t out ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "SOUT U%d %d", unit, out ); } /** Set the out point of the clip on the specified unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_clip_set_out( valerie this, int unit, valerie_clip_offset offset, int clip, int32_t in ) { char temp[ 100 ]; valerie_interpret_clip_offset( temp, offset, clip ); return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "SOUT U%d %d %s", unit, in, temp ); } /** Clear the in point of the loaded file on the specified unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_clear_in( valerie this, int unit ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "SIN U%d -1", unit ); } /** Clear the out point of the loaded file on the specified unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_clear_out( valerie this, int unit ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "SOUT U%d -1", unit ); } /** Clear the in and out points on the loaded file on the specified unit. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_clear_in_out( valerie this, int unit ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_unit_clear_out( this, unit ); if ( error == valerie_ok ) error = valerie_unit_clear_in( this, unit ); return error; } /** Set a unit configuration property. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_set( valerie this, int unit, const char *name, const char *value ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "USET U%d %s=%s", unit, name, value ); } /** Get a unit configuration property. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_get( valerie this, int unit, char *name ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "UGET U%d %s", unit, name ); } /** Get a units status. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_status( valerie this, int unit, valerie_status status ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_execute( this, 1024, "USTA U%d", unit ); int error_code = valerie_response_get_error_code( this->last_response ); memset( status, 0, sizeof( valerie_status_t ) ); status->unit = unit; if ( error_code == 202 && valerie_response_count( this->last_response ) == 2 ) valerie_status_parse( status, valerie_response_get_line( this->last_response, 1 ) ); else if ( error_code == 403 ) status->status = unit_undefined; return error; } /** Transfer the current settings of unit src to unit dest. */ valerie_error_code valerie_unit_transfer( valerie this, int src, int dest ) { return valerie_execute( this, 1024, "XFER U%d U%d", src, dest ); } /** Obtain the parsers notifier. */ valerie_notifier valerie_get_notifier( valerie this ) { if ( this != NULL ) return valerie_parser_get_notifier( this->parser ); else return NULL; } /** List the contents of the specified directory. */ valerie_dir valerie_dir_init( valerie this, char *directory ) { valerie_dir dir = malloc( sizeof( valerie_dir_t ) ); if ( dir != NULL ) { memset( dir, 0, sizeof( valerie_dir_t ) ); dir->directory = strdup( directory ); dir->response = valerie_parser_executef( this->parser, "CLS \"%s\"", directory ); } return dir; } /** Return the error code associated to the dir. */ valerie_error_code valerie_dir_get_error_code( valerie_dir dir ) { if ( dir != NULL ) return valerie_get_error_code( NULL, dir->response ); else return valerie_malloc_failed; } /** Get a particular file entry in the directory. */ valerie_error_code valerie_dir_get( valerie_dir dir, int index, valerie_dir_entry entry ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_ok; memset( entry, 0, sizeof( valerie_dir_entry_t ) ); if ( index < valerie_dir_count( dir ) ) { char *line = valerie_response_get_line( dir->response, index + 1 ); valerie_tokeniser tokeniser = valerie_tokeniser_init( ); valerie_tokeniser_parse_new( tokeniser, line, " " ); if ( valerie_tokeniser_count( tokeniser ) > 0 ) { valerie_util_strip( valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 0 ), '\"' ); strcpy( entry->full, dir->directory ); if ( entry->full[ strlen( entry->full ) - 1 ] != '/' ) strcat( entry->full, "/" ); strcpy( entry->name, valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 0 ) ); strcat( entry->full, entry->name ); switch ( valerie_tokeniser_count( tokeniser ) ) { case 1: entry->dir = 1; break; case 2: entry->size = strtoull( valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 1 ), NULL, 10 ); break; default: error = valerie_invalid_file; break; } } valerie_tokeniser_close( tokeniser ); } return error; } /** Get the number of entries in the directory */ int valerie_dir_count( valerie_dir dir ) { if ( dir != NULL && valerie_response_count( dir->response ) >= 2 ) return valerie_response_count( dir->response ) - 2; else return -1; } /** Close the directory structure. */ void valerie_dir_close( valerie_dir dir ) { if ( dir != NULL ) { free( dir->directory ); valerie_response_close( dir->response ); free( dir ); } } /** List the playlist of the specified unit. */ valerie_list valerie_list_init( valerie this, int unit ) { valerie_list list = calloc( 1, sizeof( valerie_list_t ) ); if ( list != NULL ) { list->response = valerie_parser_executef( this->parser, "LIST U%d", unit ); if ( valerie_response_count( list->response ) >= 2 ) list->generation = atoi( valerie_response_get_line( list->response, 1 ) ); } return list; } /** Return the error code associated to the list. */ valerie_error_code valerie_list_get_error_code( valerie_list list ) { if ( list != NULL ) return valerie_get_error_code( NULL, list->response ); else return valerie_malloc_failed; } /** Get a particular file entry in the list. */ valerie_error_code valerie_list_get( valerie_list list, int index, valerie_list_entry entry ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_ok; memset( entry, 0, sizeof( valerie_list_entry_t ) ); if ( index < valerie_list_count( list ) ) { char *line = valerie_response_get_line( list->response, index + 2 ); valerie_tokeniser tokeniser = valerie_tokeniser_init( ); valerie_tokeniser_parse_new( tokeniser, line, " " ); if ( valerie_tokeniser_count( tokeniser ) > 0 ) { entry->clip = atoi( valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 0 ) ); valerie_util_strip( valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 1 ), '\"' ); strcpy( entry->full, valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 1 ) ); entry->in = atol( valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 2 ) ); entry->out = atol( valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 3 ) ); entry->max = atol( valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 4 ) ); entry->size = atol( valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 5 ) ); entry->fps = atof( valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 6 ) ); } valerie_tokeniser_close( tokeniser ); } return error; } /** Get the number of entries in the list */ int valerie_list_count( valerie_list list ) { if ( list != NULL && valerie_response_count( list->response ) >= 3 ) return valerie_response_count( list->response ) - 3; else return -1; } /** Close the list structure. */ void valerie_list_close( valerie_list list ) { if ( list != NULL ) { valerie_response_close( list->response ); free( list ); } } /** List the currently connected nodes. */ valerie_nodes valerie_nodes_init( valerie this ) { valerie_nodes nodes = malloc( sizeof( valerie_nodes_t ) ); if ( nodes != NULL ) { memset( nodes, 0, sizeof( valerie_nodes_t ) ); nodes->response = valerie_parser_executef( this->parser, "NLS" ); } return nodes; } /** Return the error code associated to the nodes list. */ valerie_error_code valerie_nodes_get_error_code( valerie_nodes nodes ) { if ( nodes != NULL ) return valerie_get_error_code( NULL, nodes->response ); else return valerie_malloc_failed; } /** Get a particular node entry. */ valerie_error_code valerie_nodes_get( valerie_nodes nodes, int index, valerie_node_entry entry ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_ok; memset( entry, 0, sizeof( valerie_node_entry_t ) ); if ( index < valerie_nodes_count( nodes ) ) { char *line = valerie_response_get_line( nodes->response, index + 1 ); valerie_tokeniser tokeniser = valerie_tokeniser_init( ); valerie_tokeniser_parse_new( tokeniser, line, " " ); if ( valerie_tokeniser_count( tokeniser ) == 3 ) { entry->node = atoi( valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 0 ) ); strncpy( entry->guid, valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 1 ), sizeof( entry->guid ) ); valerie_util_strip( valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 2 ), '\"' ); strncpy( entry->name, valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 2 ), sizeof( entry->name ) ); } valerie_tokeniser_close( tokeniser ); } return error; } /** Get the number of nodes */ int valerie_nodes_count( valerie_nodes nodes ) { if ( nodes != NULL && valerie_response_count( nodes->response ) >= 2 ) return valerie_response_count( nodes->response ) - 2; else return -1; } /** Close the nodes structure. */ void valerie_nodes_close( valerie_nodes nodes ) { if ( nodes != NULL ) { valerie_response_close( nodes->response ); free( nodes ); } } /** List the currently defined units. */ valerie_units valerie_units_init( valerie this ) { valerie_units units = malloc( sizeof( valerie_units_t ) ); if ( units != NULL ) { memset( units, 0, sizeof( valerie_units_t ) ); units->response = valerie_parser_executef( this->parser, "ULS" ); } return units; } /** Return the error code associated to the nodes list. */ valerie_error_code valerie_units_get_error_code( valerie_units units ) { if ( units != NULL ) return valerie_get_error_code( NULL, units->response ); else return valerie_malloc_failed; } /** Get a particular unit entry. */ valerie_error_code valerie_units_get( valerie_units units, int index, valerie_unit_entry entry ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_ok; memset( entry, 0, sizeof( valerie_unit_entry_t ) ); if ( index < valerie_units_count( units ) ) { char *line = valerie_response_get_line( units->response, index + 1 ); valerie_tokeniser tokeniser = valerie_tokeniser_init( ); valerie_tokeniser_parse_new( tokeniser, line, " " ); if ( valerie_tokeniser_count( tokeniser ) == 4 ) { entry->unit = atoi( valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 0 ) + 1 ); entry->node = atoi( valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 1 ) ); strncpy( entry->guid, valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 2 ), sizeof( entry->guid ) ); entry->online = atoi( valerie_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, 3 ) ); } valerie_tokeniser_close( tokeniser ); } return error; } /** Get the number of units */ int valerie_units_count( valerie_units units ) { if ( units != NULL && valerie_response_count( units->response ) >= 2 ) return valerie_response_count( units->response ) - 2; else return -1; } /** Close the units structure. */ void valerie_units_close( valerie_units units ) { if ( units != NULL ) { valerie_response_close( units->response ); free( units ); } } /** Get the response of the last command executed. */ valerie_response valerie_get_last_response( valerie this ) { return this->last_response; } /** Obtain a printable message associated to the error code provided. */ const char *valerie_error_description( valerie_error_code error ) { const char *msg = "Unrecognised error"; switch( error ) { case valerie_ok: msg = "OK"; break; case valerie_malloc_failed: msg = "Memory allocation error"; break; case valerie_unknown_error: msg = "Unknown error"; break; case valerie_no_response: msg = "No response obtained"; break; case valerie_invalid_command: msg = "Invalid command"; break; case valerie_server_timeout: msg = "Communications with server timed out"; break; case valerie_missing_argument: msg = "Missing argument"; break; case valerie_server_unavailable: msg = "Unable to communicate with server"; break; case valerie_unit_creation_failed: msg = "Unit creation failed"; break; case valerie_unit_unavailable: msg = "Unit unavailable"; break; case valerie_invalid_file: msg = "Invalid file"; break; case valerie_invalid_position: msg = "Invalid position"; break; } return msg; } /** Close the valerie structure. */ void valerie_close( valerie this ) { if ( this != NULL ) { valerie_set_last_response( this, NULL ); free( this ); } }