/* * page_status.c -- Status Page Handling * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Charles Yates * Copyright (C) 2010 Dan Dennedy * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "interface.h" #include "support.h" #include "dv1394app.h" #include "page.h" typedef struct { struct page_t parent; dv1394app app; GtkWidget *widget; mvcp status; int terminated; pthread_t status_thread; guint context; int unit; int count; struct page_t *parent_page; } *page_status, page_status_t; static GtkWidget *this_page_get_widget( page ); /** Show the status associated to a unit. */ static char* status_to_text( mvcp_status status ) { switch( status->status ) { case unit_offline: return "offline"; break; case unit_undefined: return "undefined"; break; case unit_not_loaded: return "unloaded"; break; case unit_stopped: return "stopped"; break; case unit_playing: return "playing"; break; case unit_paused: return "paused"; break; case unit_disconnected: return "disconnect"; break; case unit_unknown: return "unknown"; break; } return "unknown"; } static void format_status_string(char* buf, int size, mvcp_status status , char* sep) { char tc1[12], tc2[12], tc3[12]; snprintf( buf, size, "[%s]%sIN:%s%sPOS:%s%sOUT:%s%s%s%s", status_to_text( status ), sep, frames2tc(status->in, status->fps, tc1), sep, frames2tc(status->position, status->fps, tc2), sep, frames2tc(status->out, status->fps, tc3), sep, status->clip, sep ); } static int show_status( page_status this, mvcp_status status ) { GtkWidget *widget = this_page_get_widget( ( page )this ); char temp[ 1024 ] = ""; char temp2[ 1024 ]; char label_name[ 256 ]; format_status_string(temp, sizeof(temp), status , "\n"); sprintf( label_name, "label_unit_%d", status->unit ); gdk_threads_enter(); widget = lookup_widget( widget, label_name ); gtk_label_set_text( GTK_LABEL( widget ), temp ); if ( status->unit == dv1394app_get_selected_unit( this->app ) ) { format_status_string(temp, sizeof(temp), status , " "); sprintf( temp2, "U%d - %s", status->unit, temp ); widget = lookup_widget( dv1394app_get_widget( this->app ), "statusbar" ); gtk_statusbar_pop( GTK_STATUSBAR( widget ), this->context ); gtk_statusbar_push( GTK_STATUSBAR( widget ), this->context, temp2 ); dv1394app_show_status( this->app, status ); } gdk_flush(); gdk_threads_leave(); return status->unit >= this->count; } static void show_units( page_status this, gboolean active ) { int index = 0; int index2 = 0; GtkWidget *widget; char temp[ 1024 ] = ""; char button_name[ 256 ]; mvcp_units units = NULL; mvcp_unit_entry_t unit; int unit_count = 0; mvcp_nodes nodes = NULL; mvcp_node_entry_t node; int node_count = 0; if ( active ) { units = mvcp_units_init( this->status ); unit_count = mvcp_units_count( units ); nodes = mvcp_nodes_init( this->status ); node_count = mvcp_nodes_count( nodes ); this->count = unit_count; } gdk_threads_enter(); for ( index = 0; index < MAX_UNITS; index ++ ) { if ( index < unit_count ) { mvcp_units_get( units, index, &unit ); for ( index2 = 0; index2 < node_count; index2 ++ ) { mvcp_nodes_get( nodes, index2, &node ); if ( !strcmp( node.guid, unit.guid ) ) break; } if ( index2 < node_count ) sprintf( temp, "U%d - %s (%s)", unit.unit, node.name, unit.guid ); else sprintf( temp, "U%d - %s", unit.unit, unit.guid ); sprintf( button_name, "radiobutton_%d", index ); widget = lookup_widget( this_page_get_widget( ( page )this ), button_name ); gtk_widget_show( widget ); gtk_button_set_label( GTK_BUTTON( widget ), temp ); sprintf( button_name, "label_unit_%d", index ); widget = lookup_widget( this_page_get_widget( ( page )this ), button_name ); gtk_widget_show( widget ); } else { sprintf( button_name, "radiobutton_%d", index ); widget = lookup_widget( this_page_get_widget( ( page )this ), button_name ); gtk_widget_hide( widget ); sprintf( button_name, "label_unit_%d", index ); widget = lookup_widget( this_page_get_widget( ( page )this ), button_name ); gtk_widget_hide( widget ); } } gdk_flush(); gdk_threads_leave(); mvcp_notifier notifier = mvcp_get_notifier( this->status ); mvcp_status_t status; for ( index = 0; index < MAX_UNITS; index ++ ) { status.unit = index; if ( !active ) status.status = unit_disconnected; else mvcp_notifier_get( notifier, &status, index ); show_status( this, &status ); } if ( active ) { mvcp_nodes_close( nodes ); mvcp_units_close( units ); } } /** Status monitoring thread. */ static void *status_thread( void *arg ) { page_status this = arg; mvcp_notifier notifier = mvcp_get_notifier( this->status ); mvcp_status_t status; show_units( this, TRUE ); while ( !this->terminated ) { if ( mvcp_notifier_wait( notifier, &status ) != -1 ) { char buf[32]; if ( status.status == unit_disconnected ) { this->app->eof = 0; break; } if ( show_status( this, &status ) ) show_units( this, TRUE ); if ( !this->app->eof && mvcp_unit_get( this->app->command, this->app->selected_unit, "eof", buf, sizeof(buf) ) != -1) this->app->eof = buf[0]; } } show_units( this, FALSE ); if ( !this->terminated ) { GtkWidget *widget = lookup_widget( dv1394app_get_widget( this->app ), "button_disconnect" ); gdk_threads_enter(); gtk_signal_emit_by_name( GTK_OBJECT( widget ), "clicked" ); gdk_threads_leave(); } return NULL; } void on_radiobutton_toggled( GtkToggleButton *togglebutton, gpointer user_data ) { page_status this = user_data; dv1394app app = this->app; int index = 0; GtkWidget *widget = this_page_get_widget( ( page )this ); for ( index = 0; index < MAX_UNITS; index ++ ) { char button_name[ 256 ]; sprintf( button_name, "radiobutton_%d", index ); if ( lookup_widget( widget, button_name ) == GTK_WIDGET( togglebutton ) ) break; } if ( index < MAX_UNITS ) { mvcp_status_t status; mvcp_notifier notifier = mvcp_get_notifier( this->status ); dv1394app_on_unit_change( app, index ); mvcp_notifier_get( notifier, &status, index ); gdk_threads_leave( ); show_status( this, &status ); gdk_threads_enter( ); } } static GtkWidget *this_page_get_widget( page super ) { page_status this = ( page_status )super; if ( this->widget == NULL ) this->widget = this->parent_page->get_widget(this->parent_page); return this->widget; } static void this_page_get_toolbar_info( page super, GtkIconSize size, GtkWidget **icon, char **label ) { *icon = gtk_image_new_from_stock( "gtk-home", size ); *label = _("_Units"); } static void this_page_on_connect( page super ) { page_status this = ( page_status )super; if ( this->terminated ) { this->terminated = 0; this->status = mvcp_init( dv1394app_get_parser( this->app ) ); pthread_create( &this->status_thread, NULL, status_thread, this ); } } static void this_page_on_disconnect( page super ) { page_status this = ( page_status )super; if ( !this->terminated ) { GtkWidget *widget; this->terminated = 1; gdk_threads_leave(); pthread_join( this->status_thread, NULL ); gdk_threads_enter(); mvcp_close( this->status ); widget = lookup_widget( dv1394app_get_widget( this->app ), "statusbar" ); gtk_statusbar_push( GTK_STATUSBAR( widget ), this->context, "Disconnected." ); } } static void this_page_close( page super ) { page_status this = ( page_status )super; if ( this != NULL ) free( this ); } page page_status_init( dv1394app app, struct page_t *parent_page ) { page_status this = calloc( 1, sizeof( page_status_t ) ); int index = 0; GtkWidget *widget; this->parent_page = parent_page; this->parent.get_widget = this_page_get_widget; this->parent.get_toolbar_info = this_page_get_toolbar_info; this->parent.on_connect = this_page_on_connect; this->parent.on_disconnect = this_page_on_disconnect; this->parent.close = this_page_close; this->app = app; this->terminated = 1; for ( index = 0; index < MAX_UNITS; index ++ ) { char button_name[ 256 ]; sprintf( button_name, "radiobutton_%d", index ); widget = lookup_widget( this_page_get_widget( ( page )this ), button_name ); gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT( widget ), "toggled", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC( on_radiobutton_toggled ), this ); } widget = lookup_widget( dv1394app_get_widget( this->app ), "statusbar" ); this->context = gtk_statusbar_get_context_id( GTK_STATUSBAR( widget ), "info" ); gtk_statusbar_push( GTK_STATUSBAR( widget ), this->context, "Disconnected." ); return ( page )this; }