/* * omnplay.c -- GTK+ 2 omnplay * Copyright (C) 2011 Maksym Veremeyenko * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "omnplay.h" #include "ui.h" #include "opts.h" #include "timecode.h" #include "omplrclnt.h" static gboolean on_main_window_delete_event( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer user_data ) { gtk_exit(0); return TRUE; } omnplay_instance_t* omnplay_create(int argc, char** argv) { int i, c; omnplay_instance_t* app; /* prepare application instance */ app = (omnplay_instance_t*)malloc(sizeof(omnplay_instance_t)); memset(app, 0, sizeof(omnplay_instance_t)); /* load parameters from command line */ if(!omnplay_opt(argc, argv, app) && app->players.count) app->window = ui_omnplay(app); else omnplay_usage(); return app; }; void omnplay_destroy(omnplay_instance_t* app) { free(app); }; static int find_index_of_playlist_item(omnplay_instance_t* app, int start, int idx) { while(1) { if(app->playlist.item[start].omn_idx == idx) return start; if(app->playlist.item[start].type & OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_END) break; start++; }; return -1; }; static void omnplay_update_status(omnplay_player_t* player, OmPlrStatus *prev , OmPlrStatus *curr) { int idx; char tc_cur[32], tc_rem[32], state[32], status[32]; const char *clip; if(curr) { frames2tc(curr->pos - curr->minPos, 25.0, tc_cur); frames2tc(curr->maxPos - curr->pos, 25.0, tc_rem); strcpy(status, "ONLINE"); clip = curr->currClipName; switch(curr->state) { case omPlrStateStopped: strcpy(state, "STOPPED"); break; case omPlrStateCuePlay: strcpy(state, "CUE_PLAY"); break; case omPlrStatePlay: strcpy(state, "PLAY"); break; case omPlrStateCueRecord: strcpy(state, "CUE_RECORD"); break; case omPlrStateRecord: strcpy(state, "RECORD"); break; }; } else { tc_cur[0] = 0; tc_rem[0] = 0; clip = ""; state[0] = 0; strcpy(status, "OFFLINE"); }; /* update status in status page */ gdk_threads_enter(); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL (player->label_tc_cur), tc_cur); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL (player->label_tc_rem), tc_rem); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL (player->label_state), state); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL (player->label_status), status); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL (player->label_clip), clip); gdk_flush(); gdk_threads_leave(); /* update remaining time */ gdk_threads_enter(); pthread_mutex_lock(&player->app->playlist.lock); pthread_mutex_lock(&player->app->players.lock); if(curr->state == omPlrStatePlay || curr->state == omPlrStateCuePlay) { idx = find_index_of_playlist_item(player->app, player->playlist_start, curr->currClipNum); if(idx >= 0) { frames2tc(curr->currClipStartPos + curr->currClipLen - curr->pos, 25.0, tc_rem); omnplay_playlist_draw_item_rem(player->app, idx, tc_rem); } if(curr->currClipNum != prev->currClipNum && 1 != prev->numClips) { tc_rem[0] = 0; idx = find_index_of_playlist_item(player->app, player->playlist_start, prev->currClipNum); if(idx >= 0) omnplay_playlist_draw_item_rem(player->app, idx, tc_rem); }; } else { tc_rem[0] = 0; idx = find_index_of_playlist_item(player->app, player->playlist_start, curr->currClipNum); if(idx >= 0) omnplay_playlist_draw_item_rem(player->app, idx, tc_rem); idx = find_index_of_playlist_item(player->app, player->playlist_start, prev->currClipNum); if(idx >= 0) omnplay_playlist_draw_item_rem(player->app, idx, tc_rem); }; pthread_mutex_unlock(&player->app->players.lock); pthread_mutex_unlock(&player->app->playlist.lock); gdk_flush(); gdk_threads_leave(); memcpy(prev, curr, sizeof(OmPlrStatus)); }; static void* omnplay_thread_proc(void* data) { int r; OmPlrStatus st_curr, st_prev; omnplay_player_t* player = (omnplay_player_t*)data; /* connect */ pthread_mutex_lock(&player->app->players.lock); r = OmPlrOpen(player->host, player->name, (OmPlrHandle*)&player->handle); pthread_mutex_unlock(&player->app->players.lock); if(r) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: OmPlrOpen(%s, %s) failed with 0x%.8X\n", player->host, player->name, r); return (void*)r; }; /* setup to do not reconnect */ pthread_mutex_lock(&player->app->players.lock); OmPlrSetRetryOpen((OmPlrHandle)player->handle, 0); pthread_mutex_unlock(&player->app->players.lock); /* setup directory */ if(player->app->players.path[0]) { pthread_mutex_lock(&player->app->players.lock); r = OmPlrClipSetDirectory((OmPlrHandle)player->handle, player->app->players.path); pthread_mutex_unlock(&player->app->players.lock); if(r) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: OmPlrClipSetDirectory(%s) failed with 0x%.8X\n", player->app->players.path, r); pthread_mutex_lock(&player->app->players.lock); OmPlrClose((OmPlrHandle)player->handle); pthread_mutex_unlock(&player->app->players.lock); return (void*)r; }; }; /* endless loop */ for(r = 0 ; !player->app->f_exit && !r;) { /* sleep */ usleep(100000); /* get status */ pthread_mutex_lock(&player->app->players.lock); st_curr.size = sizeof(OmPlrStatus); r = OmPlrGetPlayerStatus((OmPlrHandle)player->handle, &st_curr); pthread_mutex_unlock(&player->app->players.lock); if(r) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: OmPlrGetPlayerStatus failed with 0x%.8X\n", r); else if(memcmp(&st_curr, &st_prev, sizeof(OmPlrStatus))) omnplay_update_status(player, &st_prev , &st_curr); }; pthread_mutex_lock(&player->app->players.lock); OmPlrClose((OmPlrHandle)player->handle); pthread_mutex_unlock(&player->app->players.lock); return NULL; }; void get_selected_items_playlist_proc(GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreePath *path, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer data) { int idx, *list = (int*)data; gtk_tree_model_get(model, iter, 7, &idx, -1); list[list[0] + 1] = idx; list[0] = list[0] + 1; }; static int* get_selected_items_playlist(omnplay_instance_t* app) { int* list = NULL; GtkTreeSelection *selection; selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW(app->playlist_grid)); if(selection) { list = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (MAX_PLAYLIST_ITEMS + 1)); memset(list, 0, sizeof(int) * (MAX_PLAYLIST_ITEMS + 1)); gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach( selection, get_selected_items_playlist_proc, list); if(!list[0]) { free(list); list = NULL; }; }; return list; }; static int idx_in_players_range(omnplay_instance_t* app, int idx) { int i, r = 0; for(i = 0; i < app->players.count && !r; i++) { int a, b; a = app->players.item[i].playlist_start; b = app->players.item[i].playlist_length; if(b <= 0) continue; b = a + b - 1; if(idx >= a && idx <= b) r = 1; }; return r; }; static int idxs_in_players_range(omnplay_instance_t* app, int start, int stop) { int i, r = 0; for(i = 0; i < app->players.count && !r; i++) { int a, b; a = app->players.item[i].playlist_start; b = app->players.item[i].playlist_length; if(b <= 0) continue; b = a + b - 1; #define IN_RANGE(A,B,C) (A <= C && C <= B) if( IN_RANGE(a,b,start) || IN_RANGE(a,b,stop) || IN_RANGE(start,stop,a) || IN_RANGE(start,stop,b)) r = 1; }; return r; }; static void omnplay_playlist_block(omnplay_instance_t* app, control_buttons_t button) { int start, stop, r, i; int* list = get_selected_items_playlist(app); if(!list) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&app->playlist.lock); pthread_mutex_lock(&app->players.lock); start = list[1]; stop = list[list[0]]; if(!idxs_in_players_range(app, start, stop)) { int loop = (button == BUTTON_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_LOOP)?OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_LOOP:0; /* update selected item */ for(i = start; i <= stop; i++) { int t = OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_BODY | loop; if(i == start) t |= OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_BEGIN; if(i == stop) t |= OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_END; app->playlist.item[i].type = (playlist_item_type_t)t; omnplay_playlist_draw_item(app, i); }; /* update border items */ if(!start && !(app->playlist.item[start - 1].type & OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_END)) { app->playlist.item[start - 1].type = (playlist_item_type_t)(OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_END | app->playlist.item[start - 1].type); omnplay_playlist_draw_item(app, start - 1); }; if((stop + 1) < app->playlist.count && !(app->playlist.item[stop + 1].type & OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_BEGIN)) { app->playlist.item[stop + 1].type = (playlist_item_type_t)(OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_BEGIN | app->playlist.item[stop + 1].type); omnplay_playlist_draw_item(app, stop + 1); }; } else fprintf(stderr, "omnplay_playlist_block: range [%d %d] do OVERLAP player\n", start, stop); pthread_mutex_unlock(&app->players.lock); pthread_mutex_unlock(&app->playlist.lock); free(list); }; static int get_first_selected_item_playlist(omnplay_instance_t* app) { int idx; int* list = get_selected_items_playlist(app); if(!list) return -1; idx = list[1]; free(list); return idx; }; static int get_playlist_block(omnplay_instance_t* app, int idx, int* start_ptr, int* stop_ptr) { int start, stop; for(start = idx; start >= 0; start--) if(app->playlist.item[start].type & OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_BEGIN) break; for(stop = idx; stop < app->playlist.count; stop++) if(app->playlist.item[stop].type & OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_END) break; fprintf(stderr, "get_playlist_block: range %d -> %d\n", start, stop); /* check block range */ if(start >= 0 && stop < app->playlist.count) { *start_ptr = start; *stop_ptr = stop; return (stop - start + 1); }; return -1; }; static omnplay_player_t *get_player_at_pos(omnplay_instance_t* app, int pos) { /* check player range */ if(app->playlist.item[pos].player > -1 && app->playlist.item[pos].player < app->players.count) return &app->players.item[app->playlist.item[pos].player]; return NULL; }; static void omnplay_playlist_item_del(omnplay_instance_t* app) { }; static int omnplay_playlist_insert_check(omnplay_instance_t* app, int idx, playlist_item_type_t* t) { *t = OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_ITEM_BLOCK_SINGLE; /* before or after playlist */ if(!idx || idx == app->playlist.count) return 1; /* check for block borders */ if( app->playlist.item[idx - 1].type & OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_END && app->playlist.item[idx + 0].type & OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_BEGIN) return 1; /* check for playing block */ if(idx_in_players_range(app, idx)) return 0; if(app->playlist.item[idx].type & OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_LOOP) *t = OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_ITEM_LOOP_BODY; else *t = OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_ITEM_BLOCK_BODY; return 1; }; static void omnplay_playlist_insert_items(omnplay_instance_t* app, int idx, playlist_item_t* items, int count) { int i; pthread_mutex_lock(&app->playlist.lock); pthread_mutex_lock(&app->players.lock); /* shift playlist items */ memmove ( &app->playlist.item[idx + count], &app->playlist.item[idx], (app->playlist.count - idx) * sizeof(playlist_item_t) ); /* copy new items */ memcpy ( &app->playlist.item[idx], items, count * sizeof(playlist_item_t) ); /* increment servers indexes */ for(i = 0; i < app->players.count; i++) if(app->players.item[i].playlist_start >= idx) app->players.item[i].playlist_start += idx; /* increment items count */ app->playlist.count += count; /* redraw playlist */ omnplay_playlist_draw(app); pthread_mutex_unlock(&app->players.lock); pthread_mutex_unlock(&app->playlist.lock); }; static void omnplay_playlist_item_add(omnplay_instance_t* app, int after) { int idx; playlist_item_t item; playlist_item_type_t t; /* find insert position */ idx = get_first_selected_item_playlist(app); if(idx < 0) idx = 0; else idx += (after)?1:0; if(!omnplay_playlist_insert_check(app, idx, &t)) return; fprintf(stderr, "allowed insert into idx=%d\n", idx); /* clear item */ memset(&item, 0, sizeof(playlist_item_t)); if(ui_playlist_item_dialog(app, &item)) { item.type = t; omnplay_playlist_insert_items(app, idx, &item, 1); }; }; static void omnplay_playlist_item_edit(omnplay_instance_t* app) { }; static void omnplay_ctl(omnplay_instance_t* app, control_buttons_t button) { int i, r; int idx, start, stop; omnplay_player_t *player; pthread_mutex_lock(&app->playlist.lock); idx = get_first_selected_item_playlist(app); if(idx < 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&app->playlist.lock); return; }; fprintf(stderr, "cue: selected item is %d\n", idx); if(get_playlist_block(app, idx, &start, &stop) < 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&app->playlist.lock); return; }; fprintf(stderr, "cue: range %d -> %d\n", start, stop); player = get_player_at_pos(app, start); if(!player) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&app->playlist.lock); return; }; pthread_mutex_lock(&app->players.lock); if(BUTTON_PLAYER_STOP == button || BUTTON_PLAYER_CUE == button) { /* stop */ OmPlrStop((OmPlrHandle)player->handle); /* detach previous clips */ player->playlist_length = -1; OmPlrDetachAllClips((OmPlrHandle)player->handle); }; if(BUTTON_PLAYER_CUE == button) { int o, c, p = 0; /* Attach clips to timeline */ for(i = start, c = 0, o = 0; i <= stop; i++) { OmPlrClipInfo clip; /* get clip info */ clip.maxMsTracks = 0; clip.size = sizeof(clip); r = OmPlrClipGetInfo((OmPlrHandle)player->handle, app->playlist.item[i].id, &clip); if(!r) { unsigned int l; fprintf(stderr, "OmPlrClipGetInfo(%s): firstFrame=%d, lastFrame=%d\n", app->playlist.item[i].id, clip.firstFrame, clip.lastFrame); /* should we fix playlist clip timings */ if(!( app->playlist.item[i].in >= clip.firstFrame && app->playlist.item[i].in + app->playlist.item[i].dur <= clip.lastFrame) || !app->playlist.item[i].dur) { fprintf(stderr, "cue: item [%s] will be updated [%d;%d]->[%d;%d]\n", app->playlist.item[i].id, app->playlist.item[i].in, app->playlist.item[i].dur, clip.firstFrame, clip.lastFrame - clip.firstFrame); app->playlist.item[i].in = clip.firstFrame; app->playlist.item[i].dur = clip.lastFrame - clip.firstFrame; omnplay_playlist_draw_item(app, i); }; r = OmPlrAttach((OmPlrHandle)player->handle, app->playlist.item[i].id, app->playlist.item[i].in, app->playlist.item[i].in + app->playlist.item[i].dur, 0, omPlrShiftModeAfter, &l); }; if(r) { fprintf(stderr, "cue: failed with %d, %s\n", r, OmPlrGetErrorString((OmPlrError)r)); app->playlist.item[i].omn_idx = -1; app->playlist.item[i].omn_offset = -1; } else { app->playlist.item[i].omn_idx = c; app->playlist.item[i].omn_offset = o; /* save selected item offset */ if(i == idx) p = o; c++; o += app->playlist.item[i].dur; }; }; if(c) { OmPlrStatus hs; /* Set timeline min/max */ OmPlrSetMinPosMin((OmPlrHandle)player->handle); OmPlrSetMaxPosMax((OmPlrHandle)player->handle); /* Set timeline position */ hs.minPos = 0; hs.size = sizeof(OmPlrStatus); OmPlrGetPlayerStatus((OmPlrHandle)player->handle, &hs); OmPlrSetPos((OmPlrHandle)player->handle, hs.minPos + p); /* setup loop */ if(app->playlist.item[start].type & OMNPLAY_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_LOOP) OmPlrLoop((OmPlrHandle)player->handle, hs.minPos, hs.maxPos); else OmPlrLoop((OmPlrHandle)player->handle, hs.minPos, hs.minPos); player->playlist_start = start; player->playlist_length = stop - start + 1; /* Cue */ OmPlrCuePlay((OmPlrHandle)player->handle, 0.0); }; }; if(BUTTON_PLAYER_PLAY == button) { /* play */ OmPlrPlay((OmPlrHandle)player->handle, 1.0); }; if(BUTTON_PLAYER_PAUSE == button) /* pause */ OmPlrPlay((OmPlrHandle)player->handle, 0.0); pthread_mutex_unlock(&app->players.lock); pthread_mutex_unlock(&app->playlist.lock); }; static gboolean omnplay_button_click(omnplay_instance_t* app, control_buttons_t button) { switch(button) { case BUTTON_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ADD: omnplay_playlist_item_add(app, 0); break; case BUTTON_PLAYLIST_ITEM_DEL: omnplay_playlist_item_del(app); break; case BUTTON_PLAYLIST_ITEM_EDIT: omnplay_playlist_item_edit(app); break; case BUTTON_PLAYLIST_LOAD: omnplay_playlist_load(app); break; case BUTTON_PLAYLIST_SAVE: omnplay_playlist_save(app); break; case BUTTON_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_SINGLE: case BUTTON_PLAYLIST_BLOCK_LOOP: omnplay_playlist_block(app, button); break; case BUTTON_PLAYLIST_ITEM_UP: case BUTTON_PLAYLIST_ITEM_DOWN: break; case BUTTON_PLAYER_CUE: case BUTTON_PLAYER_PLAY: case BUTTON_PLAYER_PAUSE: case BUTTON_PLAYER_STOP: omnplay_ctl(app, button); break; case BUTTON_LIBRARY_ADD: case BUTTON_LIBRARY_REFRESH: break; }; return TRUE; }; static gboolean on_button_click(GtkWidget *button, gpointer user_data) { int i; omnplay_instance_t* app = (omnplay_instance_t*)user_data; for(i = 1; i < BUTTON_LAST; i++) if(app->buttons[i] == button) return omnplay_button_click(app, (control_buttons_t)i); return FALSE; }; void omnplay_init(omnplay_instance_t* app) { int i; pthread_mutexattr_t attr; pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT( app->window ), "destroy", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(on_main_window_delete_event), app); /* create lock */ pthread_mutex_init(&app->players.lock, &attr); /* create a omneon status thread */ for(i = 0; i < app->players.count; i++) pthread_create(&app->players.item[i].thread, NULL, omnplay_thread_proc, &app->players.item[i]); /* create lock */ pthread_mutex_init(&app->playlist.lock, &attr); /* attach buttons click */ for(i = 1; i < BUTTON_LAST; i++) gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(app->buttons[i]), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC( on_button_click), app ); }; void omnplay_release(omnplay_instance_t* app) { int i; void* r; app->f_exit = 1; for(i = 0; i < app->players.count; i++) /* create a omneon status thread */ pthread_join(app->players.item[i].thread, &r); /* destroy lock */ pthread_mutex_destroy(&app->players.lock); /* destroy lock */ pthread_mutex_destroy(&app->playlist.lock); };