/* * producer_westley.c -- a libxml2 parser of mlt service networks * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Ushodaya Enterprises Limited * Author: Dan Dennedy * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // TODO: destroy unreferenced producers #include "producer_westley.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define STACK_SIZE 1000 struct deserialise_context_s { mlt_service stack_service[ STACK_SIZE ]; int stack_service_size; mlt_properties producer_map; mlt_properties destructors; char *property; mlt_properties producer_properties; }; typedef struct deserialise_context_s *deserialise_context; /** Push a service. */ static int context_push_service( deserialise_context this, mlt_service that ) { int ret = this->stack_service_size >= STACK_SIZE; if ( ret == 0 ) this->stack_service[ this->stack_service_size ++ ] = that; return ret; } /** Pop a service. */ static mlt_service context_pop_service( deserialise_context this ) { mlt_service result = NULL; if ( this->stack_service_size > 0 ) result = this->stack_service[ -- this->stack_service_size ]; return result; } // Set the destructor on a new service static void track_service( mlt_properties properties, void *service, mlt_destructor destructor ) { int registered = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "registered" ); char *key = mlt_properties_get( properties, "registered" ); mlt_properties_set_data( properties, key, service, 0, destructor, NULL ); mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "registered", ++ registered ); } static void on_start_tractor( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts) { mlt_service service = mlt_tractor_service( mlt_tractor_init() ); mlt_properties properties = mlt_service_properties( service ); track_service( context->destructors, service, (mlt_destructor) mlt_tractor_close ); mlt_properties_set_position( properties, "length", 0 ); for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 ) mlt_properties_set( mlt_service_properties( service ), (char*) atts[0], (char*) atts[1] ); if ( mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "length" ) < mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "out" ) ) { mlt_position length = mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "out" ) + 1; mlt_properties_set_position( properties, "length", length ); } context_push_service( context, service ); } static void on_start_multitrack( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts) { mlt_service service = mlt_multitrack_service( mlt_multitrack_init() ); mlt_properties properties = mlt_service_properties( service ); track_service( context->destructors, service, (mlt_destructor) mlt_multitrack_close ); mlt_properties_set_position( properties, "length", 0 ); for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 ) mlt_properties_set( properties, (char*) atts[0], (char*) atts[1] ); context_push_service( context, service ); } static void on_start_playlist( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts) { mlt_service service = mlt_playlist_service( mlt_playlist_init() ); mlt_properties properties = mlt_service_properties( service ); track_service( context->destructors, service, (mlt_destructor) mlt_playlist_close ); mlt_properties_set_position( properties, "length", 0 ); for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 ) { mlt_properties_set( properties, ( char* )atts[0], ( char* )atts[1] ); // Out will be overwritten later as we append, so we need to save it if ( strcmp( atts[ 0 ], "out" ) == 0 ) mlt_properties_set( properties, "_westley.out", ( char* )atts[ 1 ] ); } if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "id" ) != NULL ) mlt_properties_set_data( context->producer_map, mlt_properties_get( properties, "id" ), service, 0, NULL, NULL ); context_push_service( context, service ); } static void on_start_producer( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts) { mlt_properties properties = context->producer_properties = mlt_properties_new(); for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 ) { mlt_properties_set( properties, (char*) atts[0], (char*) atts[1] ); } } static void on_start_blank( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts) { // Get the playlist from the stack mlt_service service = context_pop_service( context ); mlt_position length = 0; // Look for the length attribute for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 ) { if ( strcmp( atts[0], "length" ) == 0 ) { length = atoll( atts[1] ); break; } } // Append a blank to the playlist mlt_playlist_blank( MLT_PLAYLIST( service ), length - 1 ); // Push the playlist back onto the stack context_push_service( context, service ); } static void on_start_entry_track( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts) { // Use a dummy service to hold properties to allow arbitratry nesting mlt_service service = calloc( 1, sizeof( struct mlt_service_s ) ); mlt_service_init( service, NULL ); // Push the dummy service onto the stack context_push_service( context, service ); for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 ) { mlt_properties_set( mlt_service_properties( service ), (char*) atts[0], (char*) atts[1] ); // Look for the producer attribute if ( strcmp( atts[ 0 ], "producer" ) == 0 ) { if ( mlt_properties_get_data( context->producer_map, (char*) atts[1], NULL ) != NULL ) // Push the referenced producer onto the stack context_push_service( context, MLT_SERVICE( mlt_properties_get_data( context->producer_map, (char*) atts[1], NULL ) ) ); } } } static void on_start_filter( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts) { mlt_properties properties = context->producer_properties = mlt_properties_new(); // Set the properties for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 ) mlt_properties_set( properties, (char*) atts[0], (char*) atts[1] ); } static void on_start_transition( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts) { mlt_properties properties = context->producer_properties = mlt_properties_new(); // Set the properties for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 ) mlt_properties_set( properties, (char*) atts[0], (char*) atts[1] ); } static void on_start_property( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts) { mlt_properties properties = context->producer_properties; char *value = NULL; if ( properties == NULL ) return; // Set the properties for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 ) { if ( strcmp( atts[ 0 ], "name" ) == 0 ) { context->property = strdup( atts[ 1 ] ); } else if ( strcmp( atts[ 0 ], "value" ) == 0 ) { value = (char*) atts[ 1 ]; } } if ( context->property != NULL && value != NULL ) mlt_properties_set( properties, context->property, value ); } static void on_end_multitrack( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name ) { // Get the producer (multitrack) from the stack mlt_service producer = context_pop_service( context ); // Get the tractor from the stack mlt_service service = context_pop_service( context ); // Connect the tractor to the producer mlt_tractor_connect( MLT_TRACTOR( service ), producer ); mlt_properties_set_data( mlt_service_properties( service ), "multitrack", MLT_MULTITRACK( producer ), 0, NULL, NULL ); // Push the tractor back onto the stack context_push_service( context, service ); // Push the producer back onto the stack context_push_service( context, producer ); } static void on_end_playlist( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name ) { // Get the playlist from the stack mlt_service service = context_pop_service( context ); mlt_properties properties = mlt_service_properties( service ); mlt_position in = mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "in" ); mlt_position out; if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "_westley.out" ) != NULL ) out = mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "_westley.out" ); else out = mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "length" ) - 1; if ( mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "length" ) < out ) mlt_properties_set_position( properties, "length", out + 1 ); mlt_producer_set_in_and_out( MLT_PRODUCER( service ), in, out ); // Push the playlist back onto the stack context_push_service( context, service ); } static void on_end_track( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name ) { // Get the producer from the stack mlt_service producer = context_pop_service( context ); // Get the dummy track service from the stack mlt_service track = context_pop_service( context ); // Get the multitrack from the stack mlt_service service = context_pop_service( context ); // Set the track on the multitrack mlt_multitrack_connect( MLT_MULTITRACK( service ), MLT_PRODUCER( producer ), mlt_multitrack_count( MLT_MULTITRACK( service ) ) ); // Set producer i/o if specified if ( mlt_properties_get( mlt_service_properties( track ), "in" ) != NULL || mlt_properties_get( mlt_service_properties( track ), "out" ) != NULL ) { mlt_producer_set_in_and_out( MLT_PRODUCER( producer ), mlt_properties_get_position( mlt_service_properties( track ), "in" ), mlt_properties_get_position( mlt_service_properties( track ), "out" ) ); } // Push the multitrack back onto the stack context_push_service( context, service ); mlt_service_close( track ); } static void on_end_entry( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name ) { // Get the producer from the stack mlt_service producer = context_pop_service( context ); // Get the dummy entry service from the stack mlt_service entry = context_pop_service( context ); // Get the playlist from the stack mlt_service service = context_pop_service( context ); // Append the producer to the playlist if ( mlt_properties_get( mlt_service_properties( entry ), "in" ) != NULL || mlt_properties_get( mlt_service_properties( entry ), "out" ) != NULL ) { mlt_playlist_append_io( MLT_PLAYLIST( service ), MLT_PRODUCER( producer ), mlt_properties_get_position( mlt_service_properties( entry ), "in" ), mlt_properties_get_position( mlt_service_properties( entry ), "out" ) ); } else { mlt_playlist_append( MLT_PLAYLIST( service ), MLT_PRODUCER( producer ) ); } // Push the playlist back onto the stack context_push_service( context, service ); mlt_service_close( entry ); } static void on_end_tractor( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name ) { // Get and discard the last producer mlt_producer multitrack = MLT_PRODUCER( context_pop_service( context ) ); // Get the tractor mlt_service tractor = context_pop_service( context ); multitrack = mlt_properties_get_data( mlt_service_properties( tractor ), "multitrack", NULL ); // Inherit the producer's properties mlt_properties properties = mlt_producer_properties( multitrack ); mlt_properties_set_position( properties, "length", mlt_producer_get_out( multitrack ) + 1 ); mlt_producer_set_in_and_out( multitrack, 0, mlt_producer_get_out( multitrack ) ); mlt_properties_set_double( properties, "fps", mlt_producer_get_fps( multitrack ) ); // Push the playlist back onto the stack context_push_service( context, tractor ); } static void on_end_property( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name ) { // Close this property handling free( context->property ); context->property = NULL; } static void on_end_producer( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name ) { mlt_properties properties = context->producer_properties; mlt_service service = NULL; if ( properties == NULL ) return; // Instatiate the producer if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "resource" ) != NULL ) { char *root = mlt_properties_get( context->producer_map, "_root" ); char *resource = mlt_properties_get( properties, "resource" ); char *full_resource = malloc( strlen( root ) + strlen( resource ) + 1 ); if ( resource[ 0 ] != '/' ) { strcpy( full_resource, root ); strcat( full_resource, resource ); } else { strcpy( full_resource, resource ); } service = MLT_SERVICE( mlt_factory_producer( "fezzik", full_resource ) ); free( full_resource ); } if ( service == NULL && mlt_properties_get( properties, "mlt_service" ) != NULL ) { service = MLT_SERVICE( mlt_factory_producer( "fezzik", mlt_properties_get( properties, "mlt_service" ) ) ); } track_service( context->destructors, service, (mlt_destructor) mlt_producer_close ); // Add the producer to the producer map if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "id" ) != NULL ) mlt_properties_set_data( context->producer_map, mlt_properties_get( properties, "id" ), service, 0, NULL, NULL ); mlt_properties_inherit( mlt_service_properties( service ), properties ); mlt_properties_close( properties ); context->producer_properties = NULL; properties = mlt_service_properties( service ); // Set in and out mlt_producer_set_in_and_out( MLT_PRODUCER( service ), mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "in" ), mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "out" ) ); // Push the new producer onto the stack context_push_service( context, service ); } static void on_end_filter( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name ) { mlt_properties properties = context->producer_properties; if ( properties == NULL ) return; char *id; char key[11]; key[ 10 ] = '\0'; // Get the producer from the stack mlt_service producer = context_pop_service( context ); //fprintf( stderr, "connecting filter to %s\n", mlt_properties_get( mlt_service_properties( producer ), "resource" ) ); // Create the filter mlt_service service = MLT_SERVICE( mlt_factory_filter( mlt_properties_get( properties, "mlt_service" ), NULL ) ); track_service( context->destructors, service, (mlt_destructor) mlt_filter_close ); // Connect the filter to the producer mlt_filter_connect( MLT_FILTER( service ), producer, mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "track" ) ); // Set in and out from producer if non existant if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "in" ) == NULL ) mlt_properties_set_position( properties, "in", mlt_producer_get_in( MLT_PRODUCER( producer ) ) ); if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "out" ) == NULL ) mlt_properties_set_position( properties, "out", mlt_producer_get_out( MLT_PRODUCER( producer ) ) ); // Propogate the properties mlt_properties_inherit( mlt_service_properties( service ), properties ); mlt_properties_close( properties ); context->producer_properties = NULL; properties = mlt_service_properties( service ); // Set in and out //fprintf( stderr, "setting filter in %lld out %lld\n", mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "in" ), mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "out" ) ); mlt_filter_set_in_and_out( MLT_FILTER( service ), mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "in" ), mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "out" ) ); // Get the parent producer from the stack mlt_service tractor = context_pop_service( context ); if ( tractor != NULL ) { //fprintf( stderr, "connecting tractor %s to filter\n", mlt_properties_get( mlt_service_properties( tractor ), "resource" ) ); // Connect the tractor to the filter if ( strcmp( mlt_properties_get( mlt_service_properties( tractor ), "resource" ), "" ) == 0 ) mlt_tractor_connect( MLT_TRACTOR( tractor ), service ); // Push the parent producer back onto the stack context_push_service( context, tractor ); } //fprintf( stderr, "setting filter in %lld out %lld\n", mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "in" ), mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "out" ) ); // If a producer alias is in the producer_map, get it snprintf( key, 10, "%p", producer ); if ( mlt_properties_get_data( context->producer_map, key, NULL ) != NULL ) producer = mlt_properties_get_data( context->producer_map, key, NULL ); // Put the producer in the producer map id = mlt_properties_get( mlt_service_properties( producer ), "id" ); if ( id != NULL ) mlt_properties_set_data( context->producer_map, id, service, 0, NULL, NULL ); // For filter chain support, add an alias to the producer map snprintf( key, 10, "%p", service ); mlt_properties_set_data( context->producer_map, key, producer, 0, NULL, NULL ); // Push the filter onto the stack context_push_service( context, service ); } static void on_end_transition( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name ) { mlt_properties properties = context->producer_properties; if ( properties == NULL ) return; // Get the producer from the stack mlt_service producer = context_pop_service( context ); // Create the transition mlt_service service = MLT_SERVICE( mlt_factory_transition( mlt_properties_get( properties, "mlt_service" ), NULL ) ); track_service( context->destructors, service, (mlt_destructor) mlt_transition_close ); // Propogate the properties mlt_properties_inherit( mlt_service_properties( service ), properties ); mlt_properties_close( properties ); context->producer_properties = NULL; properties = mlt_service_properties( service ); // Set in and out mlt_transition_set_in_and_out( MLT_TRANSITION( service ), mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "in" ), mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "out" ) ); // Connect the filter to the producer mlt_transition_connect( MLT_TRANSITION( service ), producer, mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "a_track" ), mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "b_track" ) ); // Get the tractor from the stack mlt_service tractor = context_pop_service( context ); // Connect the tractor to the transition mlt_tractor_connect( MLT_TRACTOR( tractor ), service ); // Push the tractor back onto the stack context_push_service( context, tractor ); // Push the transition onto the stack context_push_service( context, service ); } static void on_start_element( void *ctx, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts) { deserialise_context context = ( deserialise_context ) ctx; if ( strcmp( name, "tractor" ) == 0 ) on_start_tractor( context, name, atts ); else if ( strcmp( name, "multitrack" ) == 0 ) on_start_multitrack( context, name, atts ); else if ( strcmp( name, "playlist" ) == 0 ) on_start_playlist( context, name, atts ); else if ( strcmp( name, "producer" ) == 0 ) on_start_producer( context, name, atts ); else if ( strcmp( name, "blank" ) == 0 ) on_start_blank( context, name, atts ); else if ( strcmp( name, "entry" ) == 0 || strcmp( name, "track" ) == 0 ) on_start_entry_track( context, name, atts ); else if ( strcmp( name, "filter" ) == 0 ) on_start_filter( context, name, atts ); else if ( strcmp( name, "transition" ) == 0 ) on_start_transition( context, name, atts ); else if ( strcmp( name, "property" ) == 0 ) on_start_property( context, name, atts ); } static void on_end_element( void *ctx, const xmlChar *name ) { deserialise_context context = ( deserialise_context ) ctx; if ( strcmp( name, "multitrack" ) == 0 ) on_end_multitrack( context, name ); else if ( strcmp( name, "playlist" ) == 0 ) on_end_playlist( context, name ); else if ( strcmp( name, "track" ) == 0 ) on_end_track( context, name ); else if ( strcmp( name, "entry" ) == 0 ) on_end_entry( context, name ); else if ( strcmp( name, "tractor" ) == 0 ) on_end_tractor( context, name ); else if ( strcmp( name, "property" ) == 0 ) on_end_property( context, name ); else if ( strcmp( name, "producer" ) == 0 ) on_end_producer( context, name ); else if ( strcmp( name, "filter" ) == 0 ) on_end_filter( context, name ); else if ( strcmp( name, "transition" ) == 0 ) on_end_transition( context, name ); } static void on_characters( void *ctx, const xmlChar *ch, int len ) { deserialise_context context = ( deserialise_context ) ctx; char *value = calloc( len + 1, 1 ); value[ len ] = 0; strncpy( value, (const char*) ch, len ); if ( context->property != NULL && context->producer_properties != NULL ) mlt_properties_set( context->producer_properties, context->property, value ); free( value); } mlt_producer producer_westley_init( char *filename ) { xmlSAXHandler *sax = calloc( 1, sizeof( xmlSAXHandler ) ); struct deserialise_context_s *context = calloc( 1, sizeof( struct deserialise_context_s ) ); mlt_properties properties = NULL; int i = 0; context->producer_map = mlt_properties_new(); context->destructors = mlt_properties_new(); // We need to track the number of registered filters mlt_properties_set_int( context->destructors, "registered", 0 ); // We need the directory prefix which was used for the westley mlt_properties_set( context->producer_map, "_root", "" ); if ( strchr( filename, '/' ) ) { char *root = NULL; mlt_properties_set( context->producer_map, "_root", filename ); root = mlt_properties_get( context->producer_map, "_root" ); *( strrchr( root, '/' ) + 1 ) = '\0'; } sax->startElement = on_start_element; sax->endElement = on_end_element; sax->characters = on_characters; // I REALLY DON'T GET THIS - HOW THE HELL CAN YOU REFERENCE A WESTLEY IN A WESTLEY??? xmlInitParser(); xmlSAXUserParseFile( sax, context, filename ); // Need the complete producer list for various reasons properties = context->destructors; // Get the last producer on the stack mlt_service service = context_pop_service( context ); // Do we actually have a producer here? if ( service != NULL ) { // Now make sure we don't have a reference to the service in the properties for ( i = mlt_properties_count( properties ) - 1; i >= 1; i -- ) { char *name = mlt_properties_get_name( properties, i ); if ( mlt_properties_get_data( properties, name, NULL ) == service ) { mlt_properties_set_data( properties, name, service, 0, NULL, NULL ); break; } } // We are done referencing destructor property list // Set this var to service properties for convenience properties = mlt_service_properties( service ); // make the returned service destroy the connected services mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "__destructors__", context->destructors, 0, (mlt_destructor) mlt_properties_close, NULL ); // Now assign additional properties mlt_properties_set( properties, "resource", filename ); // This tells consumer_westley not to deep copy mlt_properties_set( properties, "westley", "was here" ); } else { // Clean up mlt_properties_close( properties ); } free( context->stack_service ); mlt_properties_close( context->producer_map ); //free( context ); free( sax ); xmlCleanupParser(); xmlMemoryDump( ); return MLT_PRODUCER( service ); }