/* * consumer_sdl.c -- A Simple DirectMedia Layer consumer * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Ushodaya Enterprises Limited * Author: Dan Dennedy * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "consumer_sdl.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** This classes definition. */ typedef struct consumer_sdl_s *consumer_sdl; struct consumer_sdl_s { struct mlt_consumer_s parent; mlt_properties properties; mlt_deque queue; pthread_t thread; int joined; int running; uint8_t audio_buffer[ 4096 * 10 ]; int audio_avail; pthread_mutex_t audio_mutex; pthread_cond_t audio_cond; pthread_mutex_t video_mutex; pthread_cond_t video_cond; int window_width; int window_height; int previous_width; int previous_height; int width; int height; int playing; int sdl_flags; SDL_Surface *sdl_screen; SDL_Overlay *sdl_overlay; SDL_Rect rect; uint8_t *buffer; int bpp; }; /** Forward references to static functions. */ static int consumer_start( mlt_consumer parent ); static int consumer_stop( mlt_consumer parent ); static int consumer_is_stopped( mlt_consumer parent ); static void consumer_close( mlt_consumer parent ); static void *consumer_thread( void * ); static int consumer_get_dimensions( int *width, int *height ); static void consumer_sdl_event( mlt_listener listener, mlt_properties owner, mlt_service this, void **args ); /** This is what will be called by the factory - anything can be passed in via the argument, but keep it simple. */ mlt_consumer consumer_sdl_init( char *arg ) { // Create the consumer object consumer_sdl this = calloc( sizeof( struct consumer_sdl_s ), 1 ); // If no malloc'd and consumer init ok if ( this != NULL && mlt_consumer_init( &this->parent, this ) == 0 ) { // Create the queue this->queue = mlt_deque_init( ); // Get the parent consumer object mlt_consumer parent = &this->parent; // We have stuff to clean up, so override the close method parent->close = consumer_close; // get a handle on properties mlt_service service = MLT_CONSUMER_SERVICE( parent ); this->properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service ); // Default display aspect ratio double display_ratio = mlt_properties_get_double( this->properties, "display_ratio" ); // Set the default volume mlt_properties_set_double( this->properties, "volume", 1.0 ); // This is the initialisation of the consumer pthread_mutex_init( &this->audio_mutex, NULL ); pthread_cond_init( &this->audio_cond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init( &this->video_mutex, NULL ); pthread_cond_init( &this->video_cond, NULL); // Default scaler (for now we'll use nearest) mlt_properties_set( this->properties, "rescale", "nearest" ); // Default buffer for low latency mlt_properties_set_int( this->properties, "buffer", 1 ); // Default progressive true mlt_properties_set_int( this->properties, "progressive", 0 ); // Default audio buffer mlt_properties_set_int( this->properties, "audio_buffer", 512 ); // Ensure we don't join on a non-running object this->joined = 1; // process actual param if ( arg == NULL || sscanf( arg, "%dx%d", &this->width, &this->height ) != 2 ) { this->width = mlt_properties_get_int( this->properties, "width" ); this->height = mlt_properties_get_int( this->properties, "height" ); } // Default window size this->window_width = ( double )this->height * display_ratio; this->window_height = this->height; // Set the sdl flags this->sdl_flags = SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_ASYNCBLIT | SDL_HWACCEL | SDL_RESIZABLE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF; // Allow thread to be started/stopped parent->start = consumer_start; parent->stop = consumer_stop; parent->is_stopped = consumer_is_stopped; // Register specific events mlt_events_register( this->properties, "consumer-sdl-event", ( mlt_transmitter )consumer_sdl_event ); // Return the consumer produced return parent; } // malloc or consumer init failed free( this ); // Indicate failure return NULL; } static void consumer_sdl_event( mlt_listener listener, mlt_properties owner, mlt_service this, void **args ) { if ( listener != NULL ) listener( owner, this, ( SDL_Event * )args[ 0 ] ); } int consumer_start( mlt_consumer parent ) { consumer_sdl this = parent->child; if ( !this->running ) { consumer_stop( parent ); this->running = 1; this->joined = 0; this->width = mlt_properties_get_int( this->properties, "width" ); this->height = mlt_properties_get_int( this->properties, "height" ); this->bpp = mlt_properties_get_int( this->properties, "bpp" ); if ( mlt_properties_get_int( MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( parent ), "sdl_started" ) == 0 ) { if ( SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE ) < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); return -1; } SDL_EnableKeyRepeat( SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY, SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL ); SDL_EnableUNICODE( 1 ); } else { if ( SDL_GetVideoSurface( ) != NULL ) this->sdl_screen = SDL_GetVideoSurface( ); } if ( !mlt_properties_get_int( MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( parent ), "audio_off" ) ) SDL_InitSubSystem( SDL_INIT_AUDIO ); this->sdl_screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( this->window_width, this->window_height, 0, this->sdl_flags ); pthread_create( &this->thread, NULL, consumer_thread, this ); } return 0; } int consumer_stop( mlt_consumer parent ) { // Get the actual object consumer_sdl this = parent->child; if ( this->joined == 0 ) { // Kill the thread and clean up this->joined = 1; this->running = 0; pthread_join( this->thread, NULL ); // internal cleanup if ( this->sdl_overlay != NULL ) SDL_FreeYUVOverlay( this->sdl_overlay ); this->sdl_overlay = NULL; if ( !mlt_properties_get_int( MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( parent ), "audio_off" ) ) SDL_QuitSubSystem( SDL_INIT_AUDIO ); if ( mlt_properties_get_int( MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( parent ), "sdl_started" ) == 0 ) SDL_Quit( ); this->sdl_screen = NULL; } return 0; } int consumer_is_stopped( mlt_consumer parent ) { consumer_sdl this = parent->child; return !this->running; } static int sdl_lock_display( ) { SDL_Surface *screen = SDL_GetVideoSurface( ); return screen != NULL && ( !SDL_MUSTLOCK( screen ) || SDL_LockSurface( screen ) >= 0 ); } static void sdl_unlock_display( ) { SDL_Surface *screen = SDL_GetVideoSurface( ); if ( screen != NULL && SDL_MUSTLOCK( screen ) ) SDL_UnlockSurface( screen ); } static void sdl_fill_audio( void *udata, uint8_t *stream, int len ) { consumer_sdl this = udata; // Get the volume double volume = mlt_properties_get_double( this->properties, "volume" ); pthread_mutex_lock( &this->audio_mutex ); // Block until audio received while ( this->running && len > this->audio_avail ) pthread_cond_wait( &this->audio_cond, &this->audio_mutex ); if ( this->audio_avail >= len ) { // Place in the audio buffer if ( volume != 1.0 ) SDL_MixAudio( stream, this->audio_buffer, len, ( int )( ( float )SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME * volume ) ); else memcpy( stream, this->audio_buffer, len ); // Remove len from the audio available this->audio_avail -= len; // Remove the samples memmove( this->audio_buffer, this->audio_buffer + len, this->audio_avail ); } else { // Just to be safe, wipe the stream first memset( stream, 0, len ); // Copy what we have into the stream memcpy( stream, this->audio_buffer, this->audio_avail ); // Mix the audio SDL_MixAudio( stream, this->audio_buffer, len, ( int )( ( float )SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME * volume ) ); // No audio left this->audio_avail = 0; } // We're definitely playing now this->playing = 1; pthread_cond_broadcast( &this->audio_cond ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &this->audio_mutex ); } static int consumer_play_audio( consumer_sdl this, mlt_frame frame, int init_audio, int *duration ) { // Get the properties of this consumer mlt_properties properties = this->properties; mlt_audio_format afmt = mlt_audio_pcm; // Set the preferred params of the test card signal int channels = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "channels" ); int frequency = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "frequency" ); static int counter = 0; int samples = mlt_sample_calculator( mlt_properties_get_double( this->properties, "fps" ), frequency, counter++ ); int16_t *pcm; int bytes; mlt_frame_get_audio( frame, &pcm, &afmt, &frequency, &channels, &samples ); *duration = ( ( samples * 1000 ) / frequency ); if ( mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "audio_off" ) ) { this->playing = 1; init_audio = 1; return init_audio; } if ( init_audio == 1 ) { SDL_AudioSpec request; SDL_AudioSpec got; int audio_buffer = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "audio_buffer" ); // specify audio format memset( &request, 0, sizeof( SDL_AudioSpec ) ); this->playing = 0; request.freq = frequency; request.format = AUDIO_S16; request.channels = channels; request.samples = audio_buffer; request.callback = sdl_fill_audio; request.userdata = (void *)this; if ( SDL_OpenAudio( &request, &got ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "SDL failed to open audio: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); init_audio = 2; } else if ( got.size != 0 ) { SDL_PauseAudio( 0 ); init_audio = 0; } } if ( init_audio == 0 ) { mlt_properties properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ); bytes = ( samples * channels * 2 ); pthread_mutex_lock( &this->audio_mutex ); while ( this->running && bytes > ( sizeof( this->audio_buffer) - this->audio_avail ) ) pthread_cond_wait( &this->audio_cond, &this->audio_mutex ); if ( this->running ) { if ( mlt_properties_get_double( properties, "_speed" ) == 1 ) memcpy( &this->audio_buffer[ this->audio_avail ], pcm, bytes ); else memset( &this->audio_buffer[ this->audio_avail ], 0, bytes ); this->audio_avail += bytes; } pthread_cond_broadcast( &this->audio_cond ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &this->audio_mutex ); } else { this->playing = 1; } return init_audio; } static int consumer_play_video( consumer_sdl this, mlt_frame frame ) { // Get the properties of this consumer mlt_properties properties = this->properties; mlt_image_format vfmt = mlt_image_yuv422; int width = this->width, height = this->height; uint8_t *image; int changed = 0; if ( this->running && mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "video_off" ) == 0 ) { // Get the image, width and height mlt_events_fire( properties, "consumer-frame-show", frame, NULL ); mlt_frame_get_image( frame, &image, &vfmt, &width, &height, 0 ); // Handle events if ( this->sdl_screen != NULL ) { SDL_Event event; sdl_lock_display( ); changed = consumer_get_dimensions( &this->window_width, &this->window_height ); sdl_unlock_display( ); while ( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) ) { mlt_events_fire( this->properties, "consumer-sdl-event", &event, NULL ); switch( event.type ) { case SDL_VIDEORESIZE: this->window_width = event.resize.w; this->window_height = event.resize.h; changed = 1; break; case SDL_QUIT: this->running = 0; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: { mlt_producer producer = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "transport_producer", NULL ); char keyboard[ 2 ] = " "; void (*callback)( mlt_producer, char * ) = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "transport_callback", NULL ); if ( callback != NULL && producer != NULL && event.key.keysym.unicode < 0x80 && event.key.keysym.unicode > 0 ) { keyboard[ 0 ] = ( char )event.key.keysym.unicode; callback( producer, keyboard ); } } break; } } } sdl_lock_display(); if ( width != this->width || height != this->height ) { if ( this->sdl_overlay != NULL ) SDL_FreeYUVOverlay( this->sdl_overlay ); this->sdl_overlay = NULL; } if ( this->running && ( this->sdl_screen == NULL || changed ) ) { // Force an overlay recreation if ( this->sdl_overlay != NULL ) SDL_FreeYUVOverlay( this->sdl_overlay ); this->sdl_overlay = NULL; // open SDL window with video overlay, if possible this->sdl_screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( this->window_width, this->window_height, this->bpp, this->sdl_flags ); if ( consumer_get_dimensions( &this->window_width, &this->window_height ) ) this->sdl_screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( this->window_width, this->window_height, this->bpp, this->sdl_flags ); } if ( this->running ) { // Determine window's new display aspect ratio double this_aspect = ( double )this->window_width / this->window_height; // Get the display aspect ratio double display_ratio = mlt_properties_get_double( properties, "display_ratio" ); // Determine frame's display aspect ratio double frame_aspect = mlt_frame_get_aspect_ratio( frame ) * width / height; // Store the width and height received this->width = width; this->height = height; // If using hardware scaler if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "rescale" ) != NULL && !strcmp( mlt_properties_get( properties, "rescale" ), "none" ) ) { // Use hardware scaler to normalise display aspect ratio this->rect.w = frame_aspect / this_aspect * this->window_width; this->rect.h = this->window_height; if ( this->rect.w > this->window_width ) { this->rect.w = this->window_width; this->rect.h = this_aspect / frame_aspect * this->window_height; } } // Special case optimisation to negate odd effect of sample aspect ratio // not corresponding exactly with image resolution. else if ( (int)( this_aspect * 1000 ) == (int)( display_ratio * 1000 ) ) { this->rect.w = this->window_width; this->rect.h = this->window_height; } // Use hardware scaler to normalise sample aspect ratio else if ( this->window_height * display_ratio > this->window_width ) { this->rect.w = this->window_width; this->rect.h = this->window_width / display_ratio; } else { this->rect.w = this->window_height * display_ratio; this->rect.h = this->window_height; } this->rect.x = ( this->window_width - this->rect.w ) / 2; this->rect.y = ( this->window_height - this->rect.h ) / 2; mlt_properties_set_int( this->properties, "rect_x", this->rect.x ); mlt_properties_set_int( this->properties, "rect_y", this->rect.y ); mlt_properties_set_int( this->properties, "rect_w", this->rect.w ); mlt_properties_set_int( this->properties, "rect_h", this->rect.h ); SDL_SetClipRect( this->sdl_screen, &this->rect ); } if ( this->running && this->sdl_screen != NULL && this->sdl_overlay == NULL ) { SDL_SetClipRect( this->sdl_screen, &this->rect ); this->sdl_overlay = SDL_CreateYUVOverlay( width, height, SDL_YUY2_OVERLAY, this->sdl_screen ); } if ( this->running && this->sdl_screen != NULL && this->sdl_overlay != NULL ) { this->buffer = this->sdl_overlay->pixels[ 0 ]; if ( SDL_LockYUVOverlay( this->sdl_overlay ) >= 0 ) { if ( image != NULL ) memcpy( this->buffer, image, width * height * 2 ); SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay( this->sdl_overlay ); SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay( this->sdl_overlay, &this->sdl_screen->clip_rect ); } } sdl_unlock_display(); } return 0; } static void *video_thread( void *arg ) { // Identify the arg consumer_sdl this = arg; // Obtain time of thread start struct timeval now; int64_t start = 0; int64_t elapsed = 0; struct timespec tm; mlt_frame next = NULL; mlt_properties properties = NULL; double speed = 0; // Get real time flag int real_time = mlt_properties_get_int( this->properties, "real_time" ); // Get the current time gettimeofday( &now, NULL ); // Determine start time start = ( int64_t )now.tv_sec * 1000000 + now.tv_usec; while ( this->running ) { // Pop the next frame pthread_mutex_lock( &this->video_mutex ); next = mlt_deque_pop_front( this->queue ); while ( next == NULL && this->running ) { pthread_cond_wait( &this->video_cond, &this->video_mutex ); next = mlt_deque_pop_front( this->queue ); } pthread_mutex_unlock( &this->video_mutex ); if ( !this->running || next == NULL ) break; // Get the properties properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( next ); // Get the speed of the frame speed = mlt_properties_get_double( properties, "_speed" ); // Get the current time gettimeofday( &now, NULL ); // Get the elapsed time elapsed = ( ( int64_t )now.tv_sec * 1000000 + now.tv_usec ) - start; // See if we have to delay the display of the current frame if ( mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "rendered" ) == 1 && this->running ) { // Obtain the scheduled playout time int64_t scheduled = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "playtime" ); // Determine the difference between the elapsed time and the scheduled playout time int64_t difference = scheduled - elapsed; // Smooth playback a bit if ( real_time && ( difference > 20000 && speed == 1.0 ) ) { tm.tv_sec = difference / 1000000; tm.tv_nsec = ( difference % 1000000 ) * 500; nanosleep( &tm, NULL ); } // Show current frame if not too old if ( !real_time || ( difference > -10000 || speed != 1.0 || mlt_deque_count( this->queue ) < 2 ) ) consumer_play_video( this, next ); // If the queue is empty, recalculate start to allow build up again if ( real_time && ( mlt_deque_count( this->queue ) == 0 && speed == 1.0 ) ) { gettimeofday( &now, NULL ); start = ( ( int64_t )now.tv_sec * 1000000 + now.tv_usec ) - scheduled + 20000; } } // This frame can now be closed mlt_frame_close( next ); next = NULL; } if ( next != NULL ) mlt_frame_close( next ); mlt_consumer_stopped( &this->parent ); return NULL; } /** Threaded wrapper for pipe. */ static void *consumer_thread( void *arg ) { // Identify the arg consumer_sdl this = arg; // Get the consumer mlt_consumer consumer = &this->parent; // Video thread pthread_t thread; // internal intialization int init_audio = 1; int init_video = 1; mlt_frame frame = NULL; mlt_properties properties = NULL; int duration = 0; int64_t playtime = 0; struct timespec tm = { 0, 100000 }; // Loop until told not to while( this->running ) { // Get a frame from the attached producer frame = mlt_consumer_rt_frame( consumer ); // Ensure that we have a frame if ( frame != NULL ) { // Get the frame properties properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ); // Play audio init_audio = consumer_play_audio( this, frame, init_audio, &duration ); // Determine the start time now if ( this->playing && init_video ) { // Create the video thread pthread_create( &thread, NULL, video_thread, this ); // Video doesn't need to be initialised any more init_video = 0; } // Set playtime for this frame mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "playtime", playtime ); while ( this->running && mlt_deque_count( this->queue ) > 15 ) nanosleep( &tm, NULL ); // Push this frame to the back of the queue pthread_mutex_lock( &this->video_mutex ); mlt_deque_push_back( this->queue, frame ); pthread_cond_broadcast( &this->video_cond ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &this->video_mutex ); // Calculate the next playtime playtime += ( duration * 1000 ); } } // Kill the video thread if ( init_video == 0 ) { pthread_mutex_lock( &this->video_mutex ); pthread_cond_broadcast( &this->video_cond ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &this->video_mutex ); pthread_join( thread, NULL ); } while( mlt_deque_count( this->queue ) ) mlt_frame_close( mlt_deque_pop_back( this->queue ) ); this->sdl_screen = NULL; this->audio_avail = 0; return NULL; } static int consumer_get_dimensions( int *width, int *height ) { int changed = 0; // SDL windows manager structure SDL_SysWMinfo wm; // Specify the SDL Version SDL_VERSION( &wm.version ); // Lock the display //sdl_lock_display(); #ifndef __DARWIN__ // Get the wm structure if ( SDL_GetWMInfo( &wm ) == 1 ) { // Check that we have the X11 wm if ( wm.subsystem == SDL_SYSWM_X11 ) { // Get the SDL window Window window = wm.info.x11.window; // Get the display session Display *display = wm.info.x11.display; // Get the window attributes XWindowAttributes attr; XGetWindowAttributes( display, window, &attr ); // Determine whether window has changed changed = *width != attr.width || *height != attr.height; // Return width and height *width = attr.width; *height = attr.height; } } #endif // Unlock the display //sdl_unlock_display(); return changed; } /** Callback to allow override of the close method. */ static void consumer_close( mlt_consumer parent ) { // Get the actual object consumer_sdl this = parent->child; // Stop the consumer ///mlt_consumer_stop( parent ); // Now clean up the rest mlt_consumer_close( parent ); // Close the queue mlt_deque_close( this->queue ); // Destroy mutexes pthread_mutex_destroy( &this->audio_mutex ); pthread_cond_destroy( &this->audio_cond ); // Finally clean up this free( this ); }