/* * riff.cc library for RIFF file format i/o * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Arne Schirmacher * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Tag: $Name$ * * Change log: * * $Log$ * Revision 1.3 2005/07/25 14:41:29 lilo_booter * + Minor correction for entry length being less than the data length * * Revision 1.2 2005/07/25 07:21:39 lilo_booter * + fixes for opendml dv avi * * Revision 1.1 2005/04/15 14:28:26 lilo_booter * Initial version * * Revision 1.18 2005/04/01 23:43:10 ddennedy * apply endian fixes from Daniel Kobras * * Revision 1.17 2004/10/11 01:37:11 ddennedy * mutex safety locks in RIFF and AVI classes, type 2 AVI optimization, mencoder export script * * Revision 1.16 2003/11/25 23:01:24 ddennedy * cleanup and a few bugfixes * * Revision 1.15 2003/10/21 16:34:34 ddennedy * GNOME2 port phase 1: initial checkin * * Revision 2003/08/26 20:39:00 ddennedy * relocate mutex unlock and add assert includes * * Revision 2003/01/28 12:54:13 lilo_booter * New 'no change' image transition * * Revision 2002/11/25 04:48:31 ddennedy * bugfix to report errors when loading files * * Revision 1.13 2002/09/13 06:49:49 ddennedy * build update, cleanup, bugfixes * * Revision 1.12 2002/04/21 06:36:40 ddennedy * kindler avc and 1394 bus reset support in catpure page, honor max file size * * Revision 1.11 2002/04/09 06:53:42 ddennedy * cleanup, new libdv 0.9.5, large AVI, dnd storyboard * * Revision 1.4 2002/03/25 21:34:25 arne * Support for large (64 bit) files mostly completed * * Revision 1.3 2002/03/10 21:28:29 arne * release 1.1b1, 64 bit support for type 1 avis * * Revision 1.2 2002/03/04 19:22:43 arne * updated to latest Kino avi code * * Revision 2002/03/03 19:08:08 arne * import of version 1.01 * */ #include "config.h" // C++ includes #include //#include #include #include #ifndef __FreeBSD__ #include #endif /* __FreeBSD__ */ using std::cout; using std::hex; using std::dec; using std::setw; using std::setfill; using std::endl; // C includes #include #include #include // local includes #include "error.h" #include "riff.h" /** make a 32 bit "string-id" \param s a pointer to 4 chars \return the 32 bit "string id" \bugs It is not checked whether we really have 4 characters Some compilers understand constants like int id = 'ABCD'; but I could not get it working on the gcc compiler so I had to use this workaround. We can now use id = make_fourcc("ABCD") instead. */ FOURCC make_fourcc( const char *s ) { if ( s[ 0 ] == 0 ) return 0; else return *( ( FOURCC* ) s ); } RIFFDirEntry::RIFFDirEntry() {} RIFFDirEntry::RIFFDirEntry ( FOURCC t, FOURCC n, int l, int o, int p ) : type( t ), name( n ), length( l ), offset( o ), parent( p ), written( 0 ) {} /** Creates the object without an output file. */ RIFFFile::RIFFFile() : fd( -1 ) { pthread_mutex_init( &file_mutex, NULL ); } /* Copy constructor Duplicate the file descriptor */ RIFFFile::RIFFFile( const RIFFFile& riff ) : fd( -1 ) { if ( riff.fd != -1 ) { fd = dup( riff.fd ); } directory = riff.directory; } /** Destroys the object. If it has an associated opened file, close it. */ RIFFFile::~RIFFFile() { Close(); pthread_mutex_destroy( &file_mutex ); } RIFFFile& RIFFFile::operator=( const RIFFFile& riff ) { if ( fd != riff.fd ) { Close(); if ( riff.fd != -1 ) { fd = dup( riff.fd ); } directory = riff.directory; } return *this; } /** Creates or truncates the file. \param s the filename */ bool RIFFFile::Create( const char *s ) { fd = open( s, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 00644 ); if ( fd == -1 ) return false; else return true; } /** Opens the file read only. \param s the filename */ bool RIFFFile::Open( const char *s ) { fd = open( s, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK ); if ( fd == -1 ) return false; else return true; } /** Destroys the object. If it has an associated opened file, close it. */ void RIFFFile::Close() { if ( fd != -1 ) { close( fd ); fd = -1; } } /** Adds an entry to the list of containers. \param type the type of this entry \param name the name \param length the length of the data in the container \param list the container in which this object is contained. \return the ID of the newly created entry The topmost object is not contained in any other container. Use the special ID RIFF_NO_PARENT to create the topmost object. */ int RIFFFile::AddDirectoryEntry( FOURCC type, FOURCC name, off_t length, int list ) { /* Put all parameters in an RIFFDirEntry object. The offset is currently unknown. */ RIFFDirEntry entry( type, name, length, 0 /* offset */, list ); /* If the new chunk is in a list, then get the offset and size of that list. The offset of this chunk is the end of the list (parent_offset + parent_length) plus the size of the chunk header. */ if ( list != RIFF_NO_PARENT ) { RIFFDirEntry parent = GetDirectoryEntry( list ); entry.offset = parent.offset + parent.length + RIFF_HEADERSIZE; } /* The list which this new chunk is a member of has now increased in size. Get that directory entry and bump up its length by the size of the chunk. Since that list may also be contained in another list, walk up to the top of the tree. */ while ( list != RIFF_NO_PARENT ) { RIFFDirEntry parent = GetDirectoryEntry( list ); parent.length += RIFF_HEADERSIZE + length; SetDirectoryEntry( list, parent ); list = parent.parent; } directory.insert( directory.end(), entry ); return directory.size() - 1; } /** Modifies an entry. \param i the ID of the entry which is to modify \param type the type of this entry \param name the name \param length the length of the data in the container \param list the container in which this object is contained. \note Do not change length, offset, or the parent container. \note Do not change an empty name ("") to a name and vice versa */ void RIFFFile::SetDirectoryEntry( int i, FOURCC type, FOURCC name, off_t length, off_t offset, int list ) { RIFFDirEntry entry( type, name, length, offset, list ); assert( i >= 0 && i < ( int ) directory.size() ); directory[ i ] = entry; } /** Modifies an entry. The entry.written flag is set to false because the contents has been modified \param i the ID of the entry which is to modify \param entry the new entry \note Do not change length, offset, or the parent container. \note Do not change an empty name ("") to a name and vice versa */ void RIFFFile::SetDirectoryEntry( int i, RIFFDirEntry &entry ) { assert( i >= 0 && i < ( int ) directory.size() ); entry.written = false; directory[ i ] = entry; } /** Retrieves an entry. Gets the most important member variables. \param i the ID of the entry to retrieve \param type \param name \param length \param offset \param list */ void RIFFFile::GetDirectoryEntry( int i, FOURCC &type, FOURCC &name, off_t &length, off_t &offset, int &list ) const { RIFFDirEntry entry; assert( i >= 0 && i < ( int ) directory.size() ); entry = directory[ i ]; type = entry.type; name = entry.name; length = entry.length; offset = entry.offset; list = entry.parent; } /** Retrieves an entry. Gets the whole RIFFDirEntry object. \param i the ID of the entry to retrieve \return the entry */ RIFFDirEntry RIFFFile::GetDirectoryEntry( int i ) const { assert( i >= 0 && i < ( int ) directory.size() ); return directory[ i ]; } /** Calculates the total size of the file \return the size the file in bytes */ off_t RIFFFile::GetFileSize( void ) const { /* If we have at least one entry, return the length field of the FILE entry, which is the length of its contents, which is the actual size of whatever is currently in the AVI directory structure. Note that the first entry does not belong to the AVI file. If we don't have any entry, the file size is zero. */ if ( directory.size() > 0 ) return directory[ 0 ].length; else return 0; } /** prints the attributes of the entry \param i the ID of the entry to print */ void RIFFFile::PrintDirectoryEntry ( int i ) const { RIFFDirEntry entry; RIFFDirEntry parent; FOURCC entry_name; FOURCC list_name; /* Get all attributes of the chunk object. If it is contained in a list, get the name of the list too (otherwise the name of the list is blank). If the chunk object doesn´t have a name (only LISTs and RIFFs have a name), the name is blank. */ entry = GetDirectoryEntry( i ); if ( entry.parent != RIFF_NO_PARENT ) { parent = GetDirectoryEntry( entry.parent ); list_name = parent.name; } else { list_name = make_fourcc( " " ); } if ( entry.name != 0 ) { entry_name = entry.name; } else { entry_name = make_fourcc( " " ); } /* Print out the ascii representation of type and name, as well as length and file offset. */ cout << hex << setfill( '0' ) << "type: " << ((char *)&entry.type)[0] << ((char *)&entry.type)[1] << ((char *)&entry.type)[2] << ((char *)&entry.type)[3] << " name: " << ((char *)&entry_name)[0] << ((char *)&entry_name)[1] << ((char *)&entry_name)[2] << ((char *)&entry_name)[3] << " length: 0x" << setw( 12 ) << entry.length << " offset: 0x" << setw( 12 ) << entry.offset << " list: " << ((char *)&list_name)[0] << ((char *)&list_name)[1] << ((char *)&list_name)[2] << ((char *)&list_name)[3] << dec << endl; /* print the content itself */ PrintDirectoryEntryData( entry ); } /** prints the contents of the entry Prints a readable representation of the contents of an index. Override this to print out any objects you store in the RIFF file. \param entry the entry to print */ void RIFFFile::PrintDirectoryEntryData( const RIFFDirEntry &entry ) const {} /** prints the contents of the whole directory Prints a readable representation of the contents of an index. Override this to print out any objects you store in the RIFF file. \param entry the entry to print */ void RIFFFile::PrintDirectory() const { int i; int count = directory.size(); for ( i = 0; i < count; ++i ) PrintDirectoryEntry( i ); } /** finds the index finds the index of a given directory entry type \todo inefficient if the directory has lots of items \param type the type of the entry to find \param n the zero-based instance of type to locate \return the index of the found object in the directory, or -1 if not found */ int RIFFFile::FindDirectoryEntry ( FOURCC type, int n ) const { int i, j = 0; int count = directory.size(); for ( i = 0; i < count; ++i ) if ( directory[ i ].type == type ) { if ( j == n ) return i; j++; } return -1; } /** Reads all items that are contained in one list Read in one chunk and add it to the directory. If the chunk happens to be of type LIST, then call ParseList recursively for it. \param parent The id of the item to process */ void RIFFFile::ParseChunk( int parent ) { FOURCC type; DWORD length; int typesize; /* Check whether it is a LIST. If so, let ParseList deal with it */ read( fd, &type, sizeof( type ) ); if ( type == make_fourcc( "LIST" ) ) { typesize = -sizeof( type ); fail_if( lseek( fd, typesize, SEEK_CUR ) == ( off_t ) - 1 ); ParseList( parent ); } /* it is a normal chunk, create a new directory entry for it */ else { fail_neg( read( fd, &length, sizeof( length ) ) ); if ( length & 1 ) length++; AddDirectoryEntry( type, 0, length, parent ); fail_if( lseek( fd, length, SEEK_CUR ) == ( off_t ) - 1 ); } } /** Reads all items that are contained in one list \param parent The id of the list to process */ void RIFFFile::ParseList( int parent ) { FOURCC type; FOURCC name; int list; DWORD length; off_t pos; off_t listEnd; /* Read in the chunk header (type and length). */ fail_neg( read( fd, &type, sizeof( type ) ) ); fail_neg( read( fd, &length, sizeof( length ) ) ); if ( length & 1 ) length++; /* The contents of the list starts here. Obtain its offset. The list name (4 bytes) is already part of the contents). */ pos = lseek( fd, 0, SEEK_CUR ); fail_if( pos == ( off_t ) - 1 ); fail_neg( read( fd, &name, sizeof( name ) ) ); /* Add an entry for this list. */ list = AddDirectoryEntry( type, name, sizeof( name ), parent ); /* Read in any chunks contained in this list. This list is the parent for all chunks it contains. */ listEnd = pos + length; while ( pos < listEnd ) { ParseChunk( list ); pos = lseek( fd, 0, SEEK_CUR ); fail_if( pos == ( off_t ) - 1 ); } } /** Reads the directory structure of the whole RIFF file */ void RIFFFile::ParseRIFF( void ) { FOURCC type; DWORD length; off_t filesize; off_t pos; int container = AddDirectoryEntry( make_fourcc( "FILE" ), make_fourcc( "FILE" ), 0, RIFF_NO_PARENT ); pos = lseek( fd, 0, SEEK_SET ); /* calculate file size from RIFF header instead from physical file. */ while ( ( read( fd, &type, sizeof( type ) ) > 0 ) && ( read( fd, &length, sizeof( length ) ) > 0 ) && ( type == make_fourcc( "RIFF" ) ) ) { filesize += length + RIFF_HEADERSIZE; fail_if( lseek( fd, pos, SEEK_SET ) == ( off_t ) - 1 ); ParseList( container ); pos = lseek( fd, 0, SEEK_CUR ); fail_if( pos == ( off_t ) - 1 ); } } /** Reads one item including its contents from the RIFF file \param chunk_index The index of the item to write \param data A pointer to the data */ void RIFFFile::ReadChunk( int chunk_index, void *data, off_t data_len ) { RIFFDirEntry entry; entry = GetDirectoryEntry( chunk_index ); pthread_mutex_lock( &file_mutex ); fail_if( lseek( fd, entry.offset, SEEK_SET ) == ( off_t ) - 1 ); fail_neg( read( fd, data, entry.length > data_len ? data_len : entry.length ) ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &file_mutex ); } /** Writes one item including its contents to the RIFF file \param chunk_index The index of the item to write \param data A pointer to the data */ void RIFFFile::WriteChunk( int chunk_index, const void *data ) { RIFFDirEntry entry; entry = GetDirectoryEntry( chunk_index ); pthread_mutex_lock( &file_mutex ); fail_if( lseek( fd, entry.offset - RIFF_HEADERSIZE, SEEK_SET ) == ( off_t ) - 1 ); fail_neg( write( fd, &entry.type, sizeof( entry.type ) ) ); DWORD length = entry.length; fail_neg( write( fd, &length, sizeof( length ) ) ); fail_neg( write( fd, data, entry.length ) ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &file_mutex ); /* Remember that this entry already has been written. */ directory[ chunk_index ].written = true; } /** Writes out the directory structure For all items in the directory list that have not been written yet, it seeks to the file position where that item should be stored and writes the type and length field. If the item has a name, it will also write the name field. \note It does not write the contents of any item. Use WriteChunk to do that. */ void RIFFFile::WriteRIFF( void ) { int i; RIFFDirEntry entry; int count = directory.size(); /* Start at the second entry (RIFF), since the first entry (FILE) is needed only for internal purposes and is not written to the file. */ for ( i = 1; i < count; ++i ) { /* Only deal with entries that haven´t been written */ entry = GetDirectoryEntry( i ); if ( entry.written == false ) { /* A chunk entry consist of its type and length, a list entry has an additional name. Look up the entry, seek to the start of the header, which is at the offset of the data start minus the header size and write out the items. */ fail_if( lseek( fd, entry.offset - RIFF_HEADERSIZE, SEEK_SET ) == ( off_t ) - 1 ) ; fail_neg( write( fd, &entry.type, sizeof( entry.type ) ) ); DWORD length = entry.length; fail_neg( write( fd, &length, sizeof( length ) ) ); /* If it has a name, it is a list. Write out the extra name field. */ if ( entry.name != 0 ) { fail_neg( write( fd, &entry.name, sizeof( entry.name ) ) ); } /* Remember that this entry already has been written. */ directory[ i ].written = true; } } }