/* * filehandler.cc -- saving DV data into different file formats * Copyright (C) 2000 Arne Schirmacher * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include using std::cerr; using std::endl; using std::ostringstream; using std::setw; using std::setfill; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // libdv header files #ifdef HAVE_LIBDV #include #endif #include "filehandler.h" #include "error.h" #include "riff.h" #include "avi.h" FileTracker *FileTracker::instance = NULL; FileTracker::FileTracker( ) : mode( CAPTURE_MOVIE_APPEND ) { cerr << ">> Constructing File Capture tracker" << endl; } FileTracker::~FileTracker( ) { cerr << ">> Destroying File Capture tracker" << endl; } FileTracker &FileTracker::GetInstance( ) { if ( instance == NULL ) instance = new FileTracker(); return *instance; } void FileTracker::SetMode( FileCaptureMode mode ) { this->mode = mode; } FileCaptureMode FileTracker::GetMode( ) { return this->mode; } char *FileTracker::Get( int index ) { return list[ index ]; } void FileTracker::Add( const char *file ) { if ( this->mode != CAPTURE_IGNORE ) { cerr << ">>>> Registering " << file << " with the tracker" << endl; list.push_back( strdup( file ) ); } } unsigned int FileTracker::Size( ) { return list.size(); } void FileTracker::Clear( ) { while ( Size() > 0 ) { free( list[ Size() - 1 ] ); list.pop_back( ); } this->mode = CAPTURE_MOVIE_APPEND; } FileHandler::FileHandler() : done( false ), autoSplit( false ), maxFrameCount( 999999 ), framesWritten( 0 ), filename( "" ) { /* empty body */ } FileHandler::~FileHandler() { /* empty body */ } bool FileHandler::GetAutoSplit() const { return autoSplit; } bool FileHandler::GetTimeStamp() const { return timeStamp; } string FileHandler::GetBaseName() const { return base; } string FileHandler::GetExtension() const { return extension; } int FileHandler::GetMaxFrameCount() const { return maxFrameCount; } off_t FileHandler::GetMaxFileSize() const { return maxFileSize; } string FileHandler::GetFilename() const { return filename; } void FileHandler::SetAutoSplit( bool flag ) { autoSplit = flag; } void FileHandler::SetTimeStamp( bool flag ) { timeStamp = flag; } void FileHandler::SetBaseName( const string& s ) { base = s; } void FileHandler::SetMaxFrameCount( int count ) { assert( count >= 0 ); maxFrameCount = count; } void FileHandler::SetEveryNthFrame( int every ) { assert ( every > 0 ); everyNthFrame = every; } void FileHandler::SetMaxFileSize( off_t size ) { assert ( size >= 0 ); maxFileSize = size; } #if 0 void FileHandler::SetSampleFrame( const Frame& sample ) { /* empty body */ } #endif bool FileHandler::Done() { return done; } #if 0 bool FileHandler::WriteFrame( const Frame& frame ) { static TimeCode prevTimeCode; TimeCode timeCode; /* If the user wants autosplit, start a new file if a new recording is detected. */ prevTimeCode.sec = -1; frame.GetTimeCode( timeCode ); int time_diff = timeCode.sec - prevTimeCode.sec; bool discontinuity = prevTimeCode.sec != -1 && ( time_diff > 1 || ( time_diff < 0 && time_diff > -59 ) ); if ( FileIsOpen() && GetAutoSplit() == true && ( frame.IsNewRecording() || discontinuity ) ) { Close(); } if ( FileIsOpen() == false ) { string filename; static int counter = 0; if ( GetTimeStamp() == true ) { ostringstream sb, sb2; struct tm date; string recDate; if ( ! frame.GetRecordingDate( date ) ) { struct timeval tv; struct timezone tz; gettimeofday( &tv, &tz ); localtime_r( static_cast< const time_t * >( &tv.tv_sec ), &date ); } sb << setfill( '0' ) << setw( 4 ) << date.tm_year + 1900 << '.' << setw( 2 ) << date.tm_mon + 1 << '.' << setw( 2 ) << date.tm_mday << '_' << setw( 2 ) << date.tm_hour << '-' << setw( 2 ) << date.tm_min << '-' << setw( 2 ) << date.tm_sec; recDate = sb.str(); sb2 << GetBaseName() << recDate << GetExtension(); filename = sb2.str(); cerr << ">>> Trying " << filename << endl; } else { struct stat stats; do { ostringstream sb; sb << GetBaseName() << setfill( '0' ) << setw( 3 ) << ++ counter << GetExtension(); filename = sb.str(); cerr << ">>> Trying " << filename << endl; } while ( stat( filename.c_str(), &stats ) == 0 ); } SetSampleFrame( frame ); if ( Create( filename ) == false ) { cerr << ">>> Error creating file!" << endl; return false; } framesWritten = 0; framesToSkip = 0; } /* write frame */ if ( framesToSkip == 0 ) { if ( 0 > Write( frame ) ) { cerr << ">>> Error writing frame!" << endl; return false; } framesToSkip = everyNthFrame; ++framesWritten; } framesToSkip--; /* If the frame count is exceeded, close the current file. If the autosplit flag is set, a new file will be created in the next iteration. If the flag is not set, we are done. */ if ( ( GetMaxFrameCount() > 0 ) && ( framesWritten >= GetMaxFrameCount() ) ) { Close(); done = !GetAutoSplit(); } /* If the file size could be exceeded by another frame, close the current file. If the autosplit flag is set, a new file will be created on the next iteration. If the flag is not set, we are done. */ /* not exact, but should be good enough to prevent going over. */ if ( FileIsOpen() ) { AudioInfo info; frame.GetAudioInfo( info ); if ( ( GetFileSize() > 0 ) && ( GetMaxFileSize() > 0 ) && ( GetFileSize() + frame.GetFrameSize() + info.samples * 4 + 12 ) >= GetMaxFileSize() ) { // 12 = sizeof chunk metadata Close(); done = !GetAutoSplit(); } } prevTimeCode.sec = timeCode.sec; return true; } #endif RawHandler::RawHandler() : fd( -1 ) { extension = ".dv"; } RawHandler::~RawHandler() { Close(); } bool RawHandler::FileIsOpen() { return fd != -1; } bool RawHandler::Create( const string& filename ) { fd = open( filename.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK, 0644 ); if ( fd != -1 ) { FileTracker::GetInstance().Add( filename.c_str() ); this->filename = filename; } return ( fd != -1 ); } #if 0 int RawHandler::Write( const Frame& frame ) { int result = write( fd, frame.data, frame.GetFrameSize() ); return result; } #endif int RawHandler::Close() { if ( fd != -1 ) { close( fd ); fd = -1; } return 0; } off_t RawHandler::GetFileSize() { struct stat file_status; fstat( fd, &file_status ); return file_status.st_size; } int RawHandler::GetTotalFrames() { return GetFileSize() / ( 480 * numBlocks ); } bool RawHandler::Open( const char *s ) { unsigned char data[ 4 ]; assert( fd == -1 ); fd = open( s, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK ); if ( fd < 0 ) return false; if ( read( fd, data, 4 ) < 0 ) return false; lseek( fd, 0, SEEK_SET ); numBlocks = ( ( data[ 3 ] & 0x80 ) == 0 ) ? 250 : 300; filename = s; return true; } int RawHandler::GetFrame( uint8_t *data, int frameNum ) { assert( fd != -1 ); int size = 480 * numBlocks; if ( frameNum < 0 ) return -1; off_t offset = ( ( off_t ) frameNum * ( off_t ) size ); fail_if( lseek( fd, offset, SEEK_SET ) == ( off_t ) - 1 ); if ( read( fd, data, size ) > 0 ) return 0; else return -1; } /***************************************************************************/ AVIHandler::AVIHandler( int format ) : avi( NULL ), aviFormat( format ), isOpenDML( false ), fccHandler( make_fourcc( "dvsd" ) ), channels( 2 ), isFullyInitialized( false ), audioBuffer( NULL ) { extension = ".avi"; for ( int c = 0; c < 4; c++ ) audioChannels[ c ] = NULL; } AVIHandler::~AVIHandler() { if ( audioBuffer != NULL ) { delete audioBuffer; audioBuffer = NULL; } for ( int c = 0; c < 4; c++ ) { if ( audioChannels[ c ] != NULL ) { delete audioChannels[ c ]; audioChannels[ c ] = NULL; } } delete avi; } #if 0 void AVIHandler::SetSampleFrame( const Frame& sample ) { Pack pack; sample.GetAudioInfo( audioInfo ); sample.GetVideoInfo( videoInfo ); sample.GetAAUXPack( 0x50, pack ); dvinfo.dwDVAAuxSrc = *( DWORD* ) ( pack.data + 1 ); sample.GetAAUXPack( 0x51, pack ); dvinfo.dwDVAAuxCtl = *( DWORD* ) ( pack.data + 1 ); sample.GetAAUXPack( 0x52, pack ); dvinfo.dwDVAAuxSrc1 = *( DWORD* ) ( pack.data + 1 ); sample.GetAAUXPack( 0x53, pack ); dvinfo.dwDVAAuxCtl1 = *( DWORD* ) ( pack.data + 1 ); sample.GetVAUXPack( 0x60, pack ); dvinfo.dwDVVAuxSrc = *( DWORD* ) ( pack.data + 1 ); sample.GetVAUXPack( 0x61, pack ); dvinfo.dwDVVAuxCtl = *( DWORD* ) ( pack.data + 1 ); #ifdef WITH_LIBDV if ( sample.decoder->std == e_dv_std_smpte_314m ) fccHandler = make_fourcc( "dv25" ); #endif } #endif bool AVIHandler::FileIsOpen() { return avi != NULL; } bool AVIHandler::Create( const string& filename ) { assert( avi == NULL ); switch ( aviFormat ) { case AVI_DV1_FORMAT: fail_null( avi = new AVI1File ); if ( avi->Create( filename.c_str() ) == false ) return false; //avi->Init( videoInfo.isPAL ? AVI_PAL : AVI_NTSC, audioInfo.frequency, AVI_LARGE_INDEX ); break; case AVI_DV2_FORMAT: fail_null( avi = new AVI2File ); if ( avi->Create( filename.c_str() ) == false ) return false; //if ( GetOpenDML() ) //avi->Init( videoInfo.isPAL ? AVI_PAL : AVI_NTSC, audioInfo.frequency, //( AVI_SMALL_INDEX | AVI_LARGE_INDEX ) ); //else //avi->Init( videoInfo.isPAL ? AVI_PAL : AVI_NTSC, audioInfo.frequency, //( AVI_SMALL_INDEX ) ); break; default: assert( aviFormat == AVI_DV1_FORMAT || aviFormat == AVI_DV2_FORMAT ); } avi->setDVINFO( dvinfo ); avi->setFccHandler( make_fourcc( "iavs" ), fccHandler ); avi->setFccHandler( make_fourcc( "vids" ), fccHandler ); this->filename = filename; FileTracker::GetInstance().Add( filename.c_str() ); return ( avi != NULL ); } #if 0 int AVIHandler::Write( const Frame& frame ) { assert( avi != NULL ); try { return avi->WriteFrame( frame ) ? 0 : -1; } catch (...) { return -1; } } #endif int AVIHandler::Close() { if ( avi != NULL ) { avi->WriteRIFF(); delete avi; avi = NULL; } if ( audioBuffer != NULL ) { delete audioBuffer; audioBuffer = NULL; } for ( int c = 0; c < 4; c++ ) { if ( audioChannels[ c ] != NULL ) { delete audioChannels[ c ]; audioChannels[ c ] = NULL; } } isFullyInitialized = false; return 0; } off_t AVIHandler::GetFileSize() { return avi->GetFileSize(); } int AVIHandler::GetTotalFrames() { return avi->GetTotalFrames(); } bool AVIHandler::Open( const char *s ) { assert( avi == NULL ); fail_null( avi = new AVI1File ); if ( avi->Open( s ) ) { avi->ParseRIFF(); if ( ! ( avi->verifyStreamFormat( make_fourcc( "dvsd" ) ) || avi->verifyStreamFormat( make_fourcc( "DVSD" ) ) || avi->verifyStreamFormat( make_fourcc( "dvcs" ) ) || avi->verifyStreamFormat( make_fourcc( "DVCS" ) ) || avi->verifyStreamFormat( make_fourcc( "dvcp" ) ) || avi->verifyStreamFormat( make_fourcc( "DVCP" ) ) || avi->verifyStreamFormat( make_fourcc( "CDVC" ) ) || avi->verifyStreamFormat( make_fourcc( "cdvc" ) ) || avi->verifyStreamFormat( make_fourcc( "DV25" ) ) || avi->verifyStreamFormat( make_fourcc( "dv25" ) ) ) ) return false; avi->ReadIndex(); if ( avi->verifyStream( make_fourcc( "auds" ) ) ) aviFormat = AVI_DV2_FORMAT; else aviFormat = AVI_DV1_FORMAT; isOpenDML = avi->isOpenDML(); filename = s; return true; } else return false; } int AVIHandler::GetFrame( uint8_t *data, int frameNum ) { int result = avi->GetDVFrame( data, frameNum ); #if 0 if ( result == 0 ) { /* get the audio from the audio stream, if available */ if ( aviFormat == AVI_DV2_FORMAT ) { WAVEFORMATEX wav; if ( ! isFullyInitialized && avi->getStreamFormat( ( void* ) &wav, make_fourcc( "auds" ) ) ) { if ( channels > 0 && channels < 5 ) { // Allocate interleaved audio buffer audioBuffer = new int16_t[ 2 * DV_AUDIO_MAX_SAMPLES * channels ]; // Allocate non-interleaved audio buffers for ( int c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) audioChannels[ c ] = new int16_t[ 2 * DV_AUDIO_MAX_SAMPLES ]; // Get the audio parameters from AVI for subsequent calls to method audioInfo.channels = wav.nChannels; audioInfo.frequency = wav.nSamplesPerSec; // Skip initialization on subsequent calls to method isFullyInitialized = true; cerr << ">>> using audio from separate AVI audio stream" << endl; } } // Get the frame from AVI int n = avi->getFrame( audioBuffer, frameNum, make_fourcc( "01wb" ) ); if ( n > 0 ) { // Temporary pointer to audio scratch buffer int16_t * s = audioBuffer; // Determine samples in this frame audioInfo.samples = n / audioInfo.channels / sizeof( int16_t ); // Convert interleaved audio into non-interleaved for ( int n = 0; n < audioInfo.samples; ++n ) for ( int i = 0; i < audioInfo.channels; i++ ) audioChannels[ i ][ n ] = *s++; // Write interleaved audio into frame frame.EncodeAudio( audioInfo, audioChannels ); } } // Parse important metadata in DV bitstream frame.ExtractHeader(); } #endif return result; } void AVIHandler::SetOpenDML( bool flag ) { isOpenDML = flag; } bool AVIHandler::GetOpenDML() const { return isOpenDML; } /***************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_LIBQUICKTIME #ifndef HAVE_LIBDV #define DV_AUDIO_MAX_SAMPLES 1944 #endif QtHandler::QtHandler() : fd( NULL ) { extension = ".mov"; Init(); } QtHandler::~QtHandler() { Close(); } void QtHandler::Init() { if ( fd != NULL ) Close(); fd = NULL; samplingRate = 0; samplesPerBuffer = 0; channels = 2; audioBuffer = NULL; audioChannelBuffer = NULL; isFullyInitialized = false; } bool QtHandler::FileIsOpen() { return fd != NULL; } bool QtHandler::Create( const string& filename ) { Init(); if ( open( filename.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK, 0644 ) != -1 ) { fd = quicktime_open( const_cast( filename.c_str() ), 0, 1 ); if ( fd != NULL ) FileTracker::GetInstance().Add( filename.c_str() ); } else return false; this->filename = filename; return true; } void QtHandler::AllocateAudioBuffers() { if ( channels > 0 && channels < 5 ) { audioBufferSize = DV_AUDIO_MAX_SAMPLES * 2; audioBuffer = new int16_t[ audioBufferSize * channels ]; audioChannelBuffer = new short int * [ channels ]; for ( int c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) audioChannelBuffer[ c ] = new short int[ audioBufferSize ]; isFullyInitialized = true; } } inline void QtHandler::DeinterlaceStereo16( void* pInput, int iBytes, void* pLOutput, void* pROutput ) { short int * piSampleInput = ( short int* ) pInput; short int* piSampleLOutput = ( short int* ) pLOutput; short int* piSampleROutput = ( short int* ) pROutput; while ( ( char* ) piSampleInput < ( ( char* ) pInput + iBytes ) ) { *piSampleLOutput++ = *piSampleInput++; *piSampleROutput++ = *piSampleInput++; } } #if 0 int QtHandler::Write( const Frame& frame ) { if ( ! isFullyInitialized ) { AudioInfo audio; if ( frame.GetAudioInfo( audio ) ) { channels = 2; quicktime_set_audio( fd, channels, audio.frequency, 16, QUICKTIME_TWOS ); } else { channels = 0; } quicktime_set_video( fd, 1, 720, frame.IsPAL() ? 576 : 480, frame.GetFrameRate(), QUICKTIME_DV ); AllocateAudioBuffers(); } int result = quicktime_write_frame( fd, const_cast( frame.data ), frame.GetFrameSize(), 0 ); if ( channels > 0 ) { AudioInfo audio; if ( frame.GetAudioInfo( audio ) && ( unsigned int ) audio.samples < audioBufferSize ) { long bytesRead = frame.ExtractAudio( audioBuffer ); DeinterlaceStereo16( audioBuffer, bytesRead, audioChannelBuffer[ 0 ], audioChannelBuffer[ 1 ] ); quicktime_encode_audio( fd, audioChannelBuffer, NULL, audio.samples ); } } return result; } #endif int QtHandler::Close() { if ( fd != NULL ) { quicktime_close( fd ); fd = NULL; } if ( audioBuffer != NULL ) { delete audioBuffer; audioBuffer = NULL; } if ( audioChannelBuffer != NULL ) { for ( int c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) delete audioChannelBuffer[ c ]; delete audioChannelBuffer; audioChannelBuffer = NULL; } return 0; } off_t QtHandler::GetFileSize() { struct stat file_status; fstat( fileno( fd->stream ), &file_status ); return file_status.st_size; } int QtHandler::GetTotalFrames() { return ( int ) quicktime_video_length( fd, 0 ); } bool QtHandler::Open( const char *s ) { Init(); fd = quicktime_open( ( char * ) s, 1, 0 ); if ( fd == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error opening: %s\n", s ); return false; } if ( quicktime_has_video( fd ) <= 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "There must be at least one video track in the input file (%s).\n", s ); Close(); return false; } char * fcc = quicktime_video_compressor( fd, 0 ); if ( strncmp( fcc, QUICKTIME_DV, 4 ) != 0 && strncmp( fcc, QUICKTIME_DV_AVID, 4 ) != 0 && strncmp( fcc, QUICKTIME_DV_AVID_A, 4 ) != 0 ) { Close(); return false; } if ( quicktime_has_audio( fd ) ) channels = quicktime_track_channels( fd, 0 ); filename = s; return true; } int QtHandler::GetFrame( uint8_t *data, int frameNum ) { assert( fd != NULL ); quicktime_set_video_position( fd, frameNum, 0 ); quicktime_read_frame( fd, data, 0 ); #ifdef HAVE_LIBDV if ( quicktime_has_audio( fd ) ) { if ( ! isFullyInitialized ) AllocateAudioBuffers(); int frequency = quicktime_sample_rate( fd, 0 ); int samples = ( int )( frequency / quicktime_frame_rate( fd, 0 ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < channels; i++ ) { quicktime_set_audio_position( fd, ( int64_t )( frameNum * samples ), 0 ); quicktime_decode_audio( fd, audioChannelBuffer[ i ], NULL, (long) samples, i ); } dv_encoder_t *encoder = dv_encoder_new( 0, 0, 0 ); encoder->samples_this_frame = samples; dv_encode_full_audio( encoder, audioChannelBuffer, channels, frequency, data ); dv_encoder_free( encoder ); } #endif return 0; } #endif