/* * jack-ladspa-host * * Copyright (C) Robert Ham 2002, 2003 (node@users.sourceforge.net) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "plugin.h" #include "jack_rack.h" #include "process.h" #define CONTROL_FIFO_SIZE 128 /* swap over the jack ports in two plugins */ static void plugin_swap_aux_ports (plugin_t * plugin, plugin_t * other) { guint copy; jack_port_t ** aux_ports_tmp; for (copy = 0; copy < plugin->copies; copy++) { aux_ports_tmp = other->holders[copy].aux_ports; other->holders[copy].aux_ports = plugin->holders[copy].aux_ports; plugin->holders[copy].aux_ports = aux_ports_tmp; } } /** connect up the ladspa instance's input buffers to the previous plugin's audio memory. make sure to check that plugin->prev exists. */ void plugin_connect_input_ports (plugin_t * plugin, LADSPA_Data ** inputs) { gint copy; unsigned long channel; unsigned long rack_channel; if (!plugin || !inputs) return; rack_channel = 0; for (copy = 0; copy < plugin->copies; copy++) { for (channel = 0; channel < plugin->desc->channels; channel++) { plugin->descriptor-> connect_port (plugin->holders[copy].instance, plugin->desc->audio_input_port_indicies[channel], inputs[rack_channel]); rack_channel++; } } plugin->audio_input_memory = inputs; } /** connect up a plugin's output ports to its own audio_output_memory output memory */ void plugin_connect_output_ports (plugin_t * plugin) { gint copy; unsigned long channel; unsigned long rack_channel = 0; if (!plugin) return; for (copy = 0; copy < plugin->copies; copy++) { for (channel = 0; channel < plugin->desc->channels; channel++) { plugin->descriptor-> connect_port (plugin->holders[copy].instance, plugin->desc->audio_output_port_indicies[channel], plugin->audio_output_memory[rack_channel]); rack_channel++; } } } void process_add_plugin (process_info_t * procinfo, plugin_t * plugin) { /* sort out list pointers */ plugin->next = NULL; plugin->prev = procinfo->chain_end; if (procinfo->chain_end) procinfo->chain_end->next = plugin; else procinfo->chain = plugin; procinfo->chain_end = plugin; } /** remove a plugin from the chain */ plugin_t * process_remove_plugin (process_info_t * procinfo, plugin_t *plugin) { /* sort out chain pointers */ if (plugin->prev) plugin->prev->next = plugin->next; else procinfo->chain = plugin->next; if (plugin->next) plugin->next->prev = plugin->prev; else procinfo->chain_end = plugin->prev; /* sort out the aux ports */ if (procinfo->jack_client && plugin->desc->aux_channels > 0) { plugin_t * other; for (other = plugin->next; other; other = other->next) if (other->desc->id == plugin->desc->id) plugin_swap_aux_ports (plugin, other); } return plugin; } /** enable/disable a plugin */ void process_ablise_plugin (process_info_t * procinfo, plugin_t *plugin, gboolean enable) { plugin->enabled = enable; } /** enable/disable a plugin */ void process_ablise_plugin_wet_dry (process_info_t * procinfo, plugin_t *plugin, gboolean enable) { plugin->wet_dry_enabled = enable; } /** move a plugin up or down one place in the chain */ void process_move_plugin (process_info_t * procinfo, plugin_t *plugin, gint up) { /* other plugins in the chain */ plugin_t *pp = NULL, *p, *n, *nn = NULL; /* note that we should never recieve an illogical move request ie, there will always be at least 1 plugin before for an up request or 1 plugin after for a down request */ /* these are pointers to the plugins surrounding the specified one: { pp, p, plugin, n, nn } which makes things much clearer than tptr, tptr2 etc */ p = plugin->prev; if (p) pp = p->prev; n = plugin->next; if (n) nn = n->next; if (up) { if (!p) return; if (pp) pp->next = plugin; else procinfo->chain = plugin; p->next = n; p->prev = plugin; plugin->prev = pp; plugin->next = p; if (n) n->prev = p; else procinfo->chain_end = p; } else { if (!n) return; if (p) p->next = n; else procinfo->chain = n; n->prev = p; n->next = plugin; plugin->prev = n; plugin->next = nn; if (nn) nn->prev = plugin; else procinfo->chain_end = plugin; } if (procinfo->jack_client && plugin->desc->aux_channels > 0) { plugin_t * other; other = up ? plugin->next : plugin->prev; /* swap around the jack ports */ if (other->desc->id == plugin->desc->id) plugin_swap_aux_ports (plugin, other); } } /** exchange an existing plugin for a newly created one */ plugin_t * process_change_plugin (process_info_t * procinfo, plugin_t *plugin, plugin_t * new_plugin) { new_plugin->next = plugin->next; new_plugin->prev = plugin->prev; if (plugin->prev) plugin->prev->next = new_plugin; else procinfo->chain = new_plugin; if (plugin->next) plugin->next->prev = new_plugin; else procinfo->chain_end = new_plugin; /* sort out the aux ports */ if (procinfo->jack_client && plugin->desc->aux_channels > 0) { plugin_t * other; for (other = plugin->next; other; other = other->next) if (other->desc->id == plugin->desc->id) plugin_swap_aux_ports (plugin, other); } return plugin; } /****************************************** ************* non RT stuff *************** ******************************************/ static int plugin_open_plugin (plugin_desc_t * desc, void ** dl_handle_ptr, const LADSPA_Descriptor ** descriptor_ptr) { void * dl_handle; const char * dlerr; LADSPA_Descriptor_Function get_descriptor; /* open the object file */ dl_handle = dlopen (desc->object_file, RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL); if (!dl_handle) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: error opening shared object file '%s': %s\n", __FUNCTION__, desc->object_file, dlerror()); return 1; } /* get the get_descriptor function */ dlerror (); /* clear the error report */ get_descriptor = (LADSPA_Descriptor_Function) dlsym (dl_handle, "ladspa_descriptor"); dlerr = dlerror(); if (dlerr) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: error finding descriptor symbol in object file '%s': %s\n", __FUNCTION__, desc->object_file, dlerr); dlclose (dl_handle); return 1; } *descriptor_ptr = get_descriptor (desc->index); *dl_handle_ptr = dl_handle; return 0; } static int plugin_instantiate (const LADSPA_Descriptor * descriptor, unsigned long plugin_index, gint copies, LADSPA_Handle * instances) { gint i; for (i = 0; i < copies; i++) { instances[i] = descriptor->instantiate (descriptor, sample_rate); if (!instances[i]) { unsigned long d; for (d = 0; d < i; d++) descriptor->cleanup (instances[d]); return 1; } } return 0; } static void plugin_create_aux_ports (plugin_t * plugin, guint copy, jack_rack_t * jack_rack) { plugin_desc_t * desc; // plugin_slot_t * slot; unsigned long aux_channel = 1; unsigned long plugin_index = 1; unsigned long i; char port_name[64]; char * plugin_name; char * ptr; // GList * list; ladspa_holder_t * holder; desc = plugin->desc; holder = plugin->holders + copy; holder->aux_ports = g_malloc (sizeof (jack_port_t *) * desc->aux_channels); /* make the plugin name jack worthy */ ptr = plugin_name = g_strndup (plugin->desc->name, 7); while (*ptr != '\0') { if (*ptr == ' ') *ptr = '_'; else *ptr = tolower (*ptr); ptr++; } /* for (list = jack_rack->slots; list; list = g_list_next (list)) { slot = (plugin_slot_t *) list->data; if (slot->plugin->desc->id == plugin->desc->id) plugin_index++; } */ for (i = 0; i < desc->aux_channels; i++, aux_channel++) { sprintf (port_name, "%s_%ld-%d_%c%ld", plugin_name, plugin_index, copy + 1, desc->aux_are_input ? 'i' : 'o', aux_channel); holder->aux_ports[i] = jack_port_register (jack_rack->procinfo->jack_client, port_name, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, desc->aux_are_input ? JackPortIsInput : JackPortIsOutput, 0); if (!holder->aux_ports[i]) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not register jack port '%s'; aborting\n", port_name); abort (); } } g_free (plugin_name); } static LADSPA_Data unused_control_port_output; static void plugin_init_holder (plugin_t * plugin, guint copy, LADSPA_Handle instance, jack_rack_t * jack_rack) { unsigned long i; plugin_desc_t * desc; ladspa_holder_t * holder; desc = plugin->desc; holder = plugin->holders + copy; holder->instance = instance; if (desc->control_port_count > 0) { holder->ui_control_fifos = g_malloc (sizeof (lff_t) * desc->control_port_count); holder->control_memory = g_malloc (sizeof (LADSPA_Data) * desc->control_port_count); } else { holder->ui_control_fifos = NULL; holder->control_memory = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < desc->control_port_count; i++) { lff_init (holder->ui_control_fifos + i, CONTROL_FIFO_SIZE, sizeof (LADSPA_Data)); holder->control_memory[i] = plugin_desc_get_default_control_value (desc, desc->control_port_indicies[i], sample_rate); plugin->descriptor-> connect_port (instance, desc->control_port_indicies[i], holder->control_memory + i); } for (i = 0; i < desc->port_count; i++) { if (!LADSPA_IS_PORT_CONTROL (desc->port_descriptors[i])) continue; if (LADSPA_IS_PORT_OUTPUT (desc->port_descriptors[i])) plugin->descriptor-> connect_port (instance, i, &unused_control_port_output); } if (jack_rack->procinfo->jack_client && plugin->desc->aux_channels > 0) plugin_create_aux_ports (plugin, copy, jack_rack); if (plugin->descriptor->activate) plugin->descriptor->activate (instance); } plugin_t * plugin_new (plugin_desc_t * desc, jack_rack_t * jack_rack) { void * dl_handle; const LADSPA_Descriptor * descriptor; LADSPA_Handle * instances; gint copies; unsigned long i; int err; plugin_t * plugin; /* open the plugin */ err = plugin_open_plugin (desc, &dl_handle, &descriptor); if (err) return NULL; /* create the instances */ copies = plugin_desc_get_copies (desc, jack_rack->channels); instances = g_malloc (sizeof (LADSPA_Handle) * copies); err = plugin_instantiate (descriptor, desc->index, copies, instances); if (err) { g_free (instances); dlclose (dl_handle); return NULL; } plugin = g_malloc (sizeof (plugin_t)); plugin->descriptor = descriptor; plugin->dl_handle = dl_handle; plugin->desc = desc; plugin->copies = copies; plugin->enabled = FALSE; plugin->next = NULL; plugin->prev = NULL; plugin->wet_dry_enabled = FALSE; plugin->jack_rack = jack_rack; /* create audio memory and wet/dry stuff */ plugin->audio_output_memory = g_malloc (sizeof (LADSPA_Data *) * jack_rack->channels); plugin->wet_dry_fifos = g_malloc (sizeof (lff_t) * jack_rack->channels); plugin->wet_dry_values = g_malloc (sizeof (LADSPA_Data) * jack_rack->channels); for (i = 0; i < jack_rack->channels; i++) { plugin->audio_output_memory[i] = g_malloc (sizeof (LADSPA_Data) * buffer_size); lff_init (plugin->wet_dry_fifos + i, CONTROL_FIFO_SIZE, sizeof (LADSPA_Data)); plugin->wet_dry_values[i] = 1.0; } /* create holders and fill them out */ plugin->holders = g_malloc (sizeof (ladspa_holder_t) * copies); for (i = 0; i < copies; i++) plugin_init_holder (plugin, i, instances[i], jack_rack); return plugin; } void plugin_destroy (plugin_t * plugin) { unsigned long i, j; int err; /* destroy holders */ for (i = 0; i < plugin->copies; i++) { if (plugin->descriptor->deactivate) plugin->descriptor->deactivate (plugin->holders[i].instance); /* if (plugin->descriptor->cleanup) plugin->descriptor->cleanup (plugin->holders[i].instance); */ if (plugin->desc->control_port_count > 0) { for (j = 0; j < plugin->desc->control_port_count; j++) { lff_free (plugin->holders[i].ui_control_fifos + j); } g_free (plugin->holders[i].ui_control_fifos); g_free (plugin->holders[i].control_memory); } /* aux ports */ if (plugin->jack_rack->procinfo->jack_client && plugin->desc->aux_channels > 0) { for (j = 0; j < plugin->desc->aux_channels; j++) { err = jack_port_unregister (plugin->jack_rack->procinfo->jack_client, plugin->holders[i].aux_ports[j]); if (err) fprintf (stderr, "%s: could not unregister jack port\n", __FUNCTION__); } g_free (plugin->holders[i].aux_ports); } } g_free (plugin->holders); for (i = 0; i < plugin->jack_rack->channels; i++) { g_free (plugin->audio_output_memory[i]); lff_free (plugin->wet_dry_fifos + i); } g_free (plugin->audio_output_memory); g_free (plugin->wet_dry_fifos); g_free (plugin->wet_dry_values); err = dlclose (plugin->dl_handle); if (err) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: error closing shared object '%s': %s\n", __FUNCTION__, plugin->desc->object_file, dlerror ()); } g_free (plugin); } /* EOF */