/* * producer_fezzik.c -- a normalising filter * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Ushodaya Enterprises Limited * Author: Charles Yates * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include static mlt_properties dictionary = NULL; static mlt_properties normalisers = NULL; static mlt_producer create_from( mlt_profile profile, char *file, char *services ) { mlt_producer producer = NULL; char *temp = strdup( services ); char *service = temp; do { char *p = strchr( service, ',' ); if ( p != NULL ) *p ++ = '\0'; producer = mlt_factory_producer( profile, service, file ); service = p; } while ( producer == NULL && service != NULL ); free( temp ); return producer; } static mlt_producer create_producer( mlt_profile profile, char *file ) { mlt_producer result = NULL; // 1st Line - check for service:resource handling if ( strchr( file, ':' ) ) { char *temp = strdup( file ); char *service = temp; char *resource = strchr( temp, ':' ); *resource ++ = '\0'; result = mlt_factory_producer( profile, service, resource ); free( temp ); } // 2nd Line preferences if ( result == NULL ) { int i = 0; char *lookup = strdup( file ); char *p = lookup; // We only need to load the dictionary once if ( dictionary == NULL ) { char temp[ 1024 ]; sprintf( temp, "%s/fezzik.dict", mlt_factory_prefix( ) ); dictionary = mlt_properties_load( temp ); mlt_factory_register_for_clean_up( dictionary, ( mlt_destructor )mlt_properties_close ); } // Convert the lookup string to lower case while ( *p ) { *p = tolower( *p ); p ++; } // Iterate through the dictionary for ( i = 0; result == NULL && i < mlt_properties_count( dictionary ); i ++ ) { char *name = mlt_properties_get_name( dictionary, i ); if ( fnmatch( name, lookup, 0 ) == 0 ) result = create_from( profile, file, mlt_properties_get_value( dictionary, i ) ); } free( lookup ); } // Finally, try just loading as service if ( result == NULL ) result = mlt_factory_producer( profile, file, NULL ); return result; } static void create_filter( mlt_profile profile, mlt_producer producer, char *effect, int *created ) { char *id = strdup( effect ); char *arg = strchr( id, ':' ); if ( arg != NULL ) *arg ++ = '\0'; mlt_filter filter = mlt_factory_filter( profile, id, arg ); if ( filter != NULL ) { mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( filter ), "_fezzik", 1 ); mlt_producer_attach( producer, filter ); mlt_filter_close( filter ); *created = 1; } free( id ); } static void attach_normalisers( mlt_profile profile, mlt_producer producer ) { // Loop variable int i; // Tokeniser mlt_tokeniser tokeniser = mlt_tokeniser_init( ); // We only need to load the normalising properties once if ( normalisers == NULL ) { char temp[ 1024 ]; sprintf( temp, "%s/fezzik.ini", mlt_factory_prefix( ) ); normalisers = mlt_properties_load( temp ); mlt_factory_register_for_clean_up( normalisers, ( mlt_destructor )mlt_properties_close ); } // Apply normalisers for ( i = 0; i < mlt_properties_count( normalisers ); i ++ ) { int j = 0; int created = 0; char *value = mlt_properties_get_value( normalisers, i ); mlt_tokeniser_parse_new( tokeniser, value, "," ); for ( j = 0; !created && j < mlt_tokeniser_count( tokeniser ); j ++ ) create_filter( profile, producer, mlt_tokeniser_get_string( tokeniser, j ), &created ); } // Close the tokeniser mlt_tokeniser_close( tokeniser ); } mlt_producer producer_fezzik_init( mlt_profile profile, mlt_service_type type, const char *id, char *arg ) { // Create the producer mlt_producer producer = NULL; mlt_properties properties = NULL; if ( arg != NULL ) producer = create_producer( profile, arg ); if ( producer != NULL ) properties = MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( producer ); // Attach filters if we have a producer and it isn't already westley'd :-) if ( producer != NULL && mlt_properties_get( properties, "westley" ) == NULL && mlt_properties_get( properties, "_westley" ) == NULL ) attach_normalisers( profile, producer ); // Now make sure we don't lose our identity if ( properties != NULL ) mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "_mlt_service_hidden", 1 ); // Return the producer return producer; }