/* * miracle_connection.c -- DV Connection Handler * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Ushodaya Enterprises Limited * Author: Charles Yates * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /* System header files */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Application header files */ #include "miracle_commands.h" #include "miracle_connection.h" #include "miracle_server.h" #include "miracle_log.h" /** This is a generic replacement for fgets which operates on a file descriptor. Unlike fgets, we can also specify a line terminator. Maximum of (max - 1) chars can be read into buf from fd. If we reach the end-of-file, *eof_chk is set to 1. */ int fdgetline( int fd, char *buf, int max, char line_terminator, int *eof_chk ) { int count = 0; char tmp [1]; *eof_chk = 0; if (fd) while (count < max - 1) { if (read (fd, tmp, 1) > 0) { if (tmp [0] != line_terminator) buf [count++] = tmp [0]; else break; /* Is it an EOF character (ctrl-D, i.e. ascii 4)? If so we definitely want to break. */ if (tmp [0] == 4) { *eof_chk = 1; break; } } else { *eof_chk = 1; break; } } buf [count] = '\0'; return count; } static int connection_initiate( int ); static int connection_send( int, valerie_response ); static int connection_read( int, char *, int ); static void connection_close( int ); static int connection_initiate( int fd ) { int error = 0; valerie_response response = valerie_response_init( ); valerie_response_set_error( response, 100, "VTR Ready" ); error = connection_send( fd, response ); valerie_response_close( response ); return error; } static int connection_send( int fd, valerie_response response ) { int error = 0; int index = 0; int code = valerie_response_get_error_code( response ); if ( code != -1 ) { int items = valerie_response_count( response ); if ( items == 0 ) valerie_response_set_error( response, 500, "Unknown error" ); if ( code == 200 && items > 2 ) valerie_response_set_error( response, 201, "OK" ); else if ( code == 200 && items > 1 ) valerie_response_set_error( response, 202, "OK" ); code = valerie_response_get_error_code( response ); items = valerie_response_count( response ); for ( index = 0; !error && index < items; index ++ ) { char *line = valerie_response_get_line( response, index ); int length = strlen( line ); if ( length == 0 && index != valerie_response_count( response ) - 1 && write( fd, " ", 1 ) != 1 ) error = -1; else if ( length > 0 && write( fd, line, length ) != length ) error = -1; if ( write( fd, "\r\n", 2 ) != 2 ) error = -1; } if ( ( code == 201 || code == 500 ) && strcmp( valerie_response_get_line( response, items - 1 ), "" ) ) write( fd, "\r\n", 2 ); } else { char *message = "500 Empty Response\r\n\r\n"; write( fd, message, strlen( message ) ); } return error; } static int connection_read( int fd, char *command, int length ) { int eof_chk; int nchars = fdgetline( fd, command, length, '\n', &eof_chk ); char *cr = strchr( command, '\r'); if ( cr != NULL ) cr[0] = '\0'; if ( eof_chk || strncasecmp( command, "BYE", 3 ) == 0 ) nchars = 0; return nchars; } int connection_status( int fd, valerie_notifier notifier ) { int error = 0; int index = 0; valerie_status_t status; char text[ 10240 ]; valerie_socket socket = valerie_socket_init_fd( fd ); for ( index = 0; !error && index < MAX_UNITS; index ++ ) { valerie_notifier_get( notifier, &status, index ); valerie_status_serialise( &status, text, sizeof( text ) ); error = valerie_socket_write_data( socket, text, strlen( text ) ) != strlen( text ); } while ( !error ) { if ( valerie_notifier_wait( notifier, &status ) == 0 ) { valerie_status_serialise( &status, text, sizeof( text ) ); error = valerie_socket_write_data( socket, text, strlen( text ) ) != strlen( text ); } else { struct timeval tv = { 0, 0 }; fd_set rfds; FD_ZERO( &rfds ); FD_SET( fd, &rfds ); if ( select( socket->fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv ) ) error = 1; } } valerie_socket_close( socket ); return error; } static void connection_close( int fd ) { close( fd ); } void *parser_thread( void *arg ) { struct hostent *he; connection_t *connection = arg; mlt_properties owner = connection->owner; char address[ 512 ]; char command[ 1024 ]; int fd = connection->fd; valerie_parser parser = connection->parser; valerie_response response = NULL; /* Get the connecting clients ip information */ he = gethostbyaddr( (char *) &( connection->sin.sin_addr.s_addr ), sizeof(u_int32_t), AF_INET); if ( he != NULL ) strcpy( address, he->h_name ); else inet_ntop( AF_INET, &( connection->sin.sin_addr.s_addr), address, 32 ); miracle_log( LOG_NOTICE, "Connection established with %s (%d)", address, fd ); /* Execute the commands received. */ if ( connection_initiate( fd ) == 0 ) { int error = 0; while( !error && connection_read( fd, command, 1024 ) ) { response = NULL; if ( !strncmp( command, "PUSH ", 5 ) ) { char temp[ 20 ]; int bytes; char *buffer = NULL; int total = 0; mlt_service service = NULL; connection_read( fd, temp, 20 ); bytes = atoi( temp ); buffer = malloc( bytes + 1 ); while ( total < bytes ) { int count = read( fd, buffer + total, bytes - total ); if ( count >= 0 ) total += count; else break; } buffer[ bytes ] = '\0'; if ( bytes > 0 && total == bytes ) service = ( mlt_service )mlt_factory_producer( "westley-xml", buffer ); mlt_events_fire( owner, "push-received", &response, command, service, NULL ); if ( response == NULL ) response = valerie_parser_push( parser, command, service ); error = connection_send( fd, response ); valerie_response_close( response ); mlt_service_close( service ); free( buffer ); } else if ( strncmp( command, "STATUS", 6 ) ) { mlt_events_fire( owner, "command-received", &response, command, NULL ); if ( response == NULL ) response = valerie_parser_execute( parser, command ); miracle_log( LOG_INFO, "%s \"%s\" %d", address, command, valerie_response_get_error_code( response ) ); error = connection_send( fd, response ); valerie_response_close( response ); } else { error = connection_status( fd, valerie_parser_get_notifier( parser ) ); } } } /* Free the resources associated with this connection. */ connection_close( fd ); miracle_log( LOG_NOTICE, "Connection with %s (%d) closed", address, fd ); free( connection ); return NULL; }