/* * mlt_pool.c -- memory pooling functionality * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Ushodaya Enterprises Limited * Author: Charles Yates * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "mlt_properties.h" #include "mlt_deque.h" #include #include #include /** Singleton repositories */ static mlt_properties pools = NULL; /** Private pooling structure. */ typedef struct mlt_pool_s { pthread_mutex_t lock; mlt_deque stack; int size; int count; } *mlt_pool; typedef struct mlt_release_s { mlt_pool pool; } *mlt_release; /** Create a pool. */ static mlt_pool pool_init( int size ) { // Create the pool mlt_pool this = calloc( 1, sizeof( struct mlt_pool_s ) ); // Initialise it if ( this != NULL ) { // Initialise the mutex pthread_mutex_init( &this->lock, NULL ); // Create the stack this->stack = mlt_deque_init( ); // Assign the size this->size = size; } // Return it return this; } /** Get an item from the pool. */ static void *pool_fetch( mlt_pool this ) { // We will generate a release object void *ptr = NULL; // Sanity check if ( this != NULL ) { // Lock the pool pthread_mutex_lock( &this->lock ); // Check if the stack is empty if ( mlt_deque_count( this->stack ) != 0 ) { // Pop the top of the stack ptr = mlt_deque_pop_back( this->stack ); } else { // We need to generate a release item mlt_release release = malloc( sizeof( struct mlt_release_s ) + this->size ); // Initialise it if ( release != NULL ) { // Assign the pool release->pool = this; // Determine the ptr ptr = ( void * )release + sizeof( struct mlt_release_s ); } } // Unlock the pool pthread_mutex_unlock( &this->lock ); } // Return the generated release object return ptr; } /** Return an item to the pool. */ static void pool_return( void *ptr ) { // Sanity checks if ( ptr != NULL ) { // Get the release pointer mlt_release that = ( void * )ptr - sizeof( struct mlt_release_s ); // Get the pool mlt_pool this = that->pool; if ( this != NULL ) { // Lock the pool pthread_mutex_lock( &this->lock ); // Push the that back back on to the stack mlt_deque_push_back( this->stack, ptr ); // Unlock the pool pthread_mutex_unlock( &this->lock ); // Ensure that we don't clean up ptr = NULL; } } // Tidy up - this will only occur if the returned item is incorrect if ( ptr != NULL ) { // Free the release itself free( ptr - sizeof( struct mlt_release_s ) ); } } /** Destroy a pool. */ static void pool_close( mlt_pool this ) { if ( this != NULL ) { // We need to free up all items in the pool void *release = NULL; // Iterate through the stack until depleted while ( ( release = mlt_deque_pop_back( this->stack ) ) != NULL ) { // We'll free this item now free( release - sizeof( struct mlt_release_s ) ); } // We can now close the stack mlt_deque_close( this->stack ); // Destroy the mutex pthread_mutex_destroy( &this->lock ); // Close the pool free( this ); } } /** Initialise the pool. */ void mlt_pool_init( ) { // Loop variable used to create the pools int i = 0; // Create the pools pools = mlt_properties_new( ); // Create the pools for ( i = 8; i < 31; i ++ ) { // Each properties item needs a name char name[ 32 ]; // Construct a pool mlt_pool pool = pool_init( 1 << i ); // Generate a name sprintf( name, "%d", i ); // Register with properties mlt_properties_set_data( pools, name, pool, 0, ( mlt_destructor )pool_close, NULL ); } } /** Allocate size bytes from the pool. */ void *mlt_pool_alloc( int size ) { // This will be used to obtain the pool to use mlt_pool pool = NULL; // Determines the index of the pool to use int index = 0; // Minimum size pooled is 256 bytes size = size >> 8; while ( ( 1 << index ) < size ) index ++; // Now get the pool at the index pool = mlt_properties_get_data_at( pools, index + 1, NULL ); // Now get the real item return pool_fetch( pool ); } /** Allocate size bytes from the pool. */ void *mlt_pool_allocate( int size, void **release ) { // This is the real release structure we'll return void *real = NULL; // This will be used to obtain the pool to use mlt_pool pool = NULL; // Determines the index of the pool to use int index = 0; // Minimum size pooled is 256 bytes size = size >> 8; while ( ( 1 << index ) < size ) index ++; // Now get the pool at the index pool = mlt_properties_get_data_at( pools, index + 1, NULL ); // Now get the real item real = pool_fetch( pool ); // Assign to release *release = real; // Otherwise return a NULL to indicate failure return real; } /** Release the allocated memory. */ void mlt_pool_release( void *release ) { // Return to the pool pool_return( release ); } /** Close the pool. */ void mlt_pool_close( ) { // Close the properties mlt_properties_close( pools ); }