/* * client.c -- dv1394d client demo * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Ushodaya Enterprises Limited * Author: Charles Yates * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* System header files */ #include #include #include /* Application header files */ #include "client.h" #include "io.h" /** Clip navigation enumeration. */ typedef enum { absolute, relative } dv_demo_whence; /** Function prototype for menu handling. */ typedef valerie_error_code (*demo_function)( dv_demo ); /** The menu structure. */ typedef struct { char *description; struct menu_item { char *option; demo_function function; } array[ 50 ]; } *dv_demo_menu, dv_demo_menu_t; /** Forward reference to menu runner. */ extern valerie_error_code dv_demo_run_menu( dv_demo, dv_demo_menu ); /** Foward references. */ extern valerie_error_code dv_demo_list_nodes( dv_demo ); extern valerie_error_code dv_demo_add_unit( dv_demo ); extern valerie_error_code dv_demo_select_unit( dv_demo ); extern valerie_error_code dv_demo_execute( dv_demo ); extern valerie_error_code dv_demo_load( dv_demo ); extern valerie_error_code dv_demo_transport( dv_demo ); static void *dv_demo_status_thread( void * ); /** Connected menu definition. */ dv_demo_menu_t connected_menu = { "Connected Menu", { { "Add Unit", dv_demo_add_unit }, { "Select Unit", dv_demo_select_unit }, { "Command Shell", dv_demo_execute }, { NULL, NULL } } }; /** Initialise the demo structure. */ dv_demo dv_demo_init( valerie_parser parser ) { dv_demo this = malloc( sizeof( dv_demo_t ) ); if ( this != NULL ) { int index = 0; memset( this, 0, sizeof( dv_demo_t ) ); strcpy( this->last_directory, "/" ); for ( index = 0; index < 4; index ++ ) { this->queues[ index ].unit = index; this->queues[ index ].position = -1; } this->parser = parser; } return this; } /** Display a status record. */ void dv_demo_show_status( dv_demo demo, valerie_status status ) { if ( status->unit == demo->selected_unit && demo->showing ) { char temp[ 1024 ] = ""; sprintf( temp, "U%d ", demo->selected_unit ); switch( status->status ) { case unit_offline: strcat( temp, "offline " ); break; case unit_undefined: strcat( temp, "undefined " ); break; case unit_not_loaded: strcat( temp, "unloaded " ); break; case unit_stopped: strcat( temp, "stopped " ); break; case unit_playing: strcat( temp, "playing " ); break; case unit_paused: strcat( temp, "paused " ); break; case unit_disconnected: strcat( temp, "disconnect" ); break; default: strcat( temp, "unknown " ); break; } sprintf( temp + strlen( temp ), " %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f ", status->in, status->position, status->out ); strcat( temp, status->clip ); printf( "%-80.80s\r", temp ); fflush( stdout ); } } /** Determine action to carry out as dictated by the client unit queue. */ void dv_demo_queue_action( dv_demo demo, valerie_status status ) { dv_demo_queue queue = &demo->queues[ status->unit ]; /* SPECIAL CASE STATUS NOTIFICATIONS TO IGNORE */ /* When we've issued a LOAD on the previous notification, then ignore this one. */ if ( queue->ignore ) { queue->ignore --; return; } if ( queue->mode && status->status != unit_offline && queue->head != queue->tail ) { if ( ( status->position >= status->out && status->speed > 0 ) || status->status == unit_not_loaded ) { queue->position = ( queue->position + 1 ) % 50; if ( queue->position == queue->tail ) queue->position = queue->head; valerie_unit_load( demo->dv_status, status->unit, queue->list[ queue->position ] ); if ( status->status == unit_not_loaded ) valerie_unit_play( demo->dv, queue->unit ); queue->ignore = 1; } else if ( ( status->position <= status->in && status->speed < 0 ) || status->status == unit_not_loaded ) { if ( queue->position == -1 ) queue->position = queue->head; valerie_unit_load( demo->dv_status, status->unit, queue->list[ queue->position ] ); if ( status->status == unit_not_loaded ) valerie_unit_play( demo->dv, queue->unit ); queue->position = ( queue->position - 1 ) % 50; queue->ignore = 1; } } } /** Status thread. */ static void *dv_demo_status_thread( void *arg ) { dv_demo demo = arg; valerie_status_t status; valerie_notifier notifier = valerie_get_notifier( demo->dv_status ); while ( !demo->terminated ) { if ( valerie_notifier_wait( notifier, &status ) != -1 ) { dv_demo_queue_action( demo, &status ); dv_demo_show_status( demo, &status ); if ( status.status == unit_disconnected ) demo->disconnected = 1; } } return NULL; } /** Turn on/off status display. */ void dv_demo_change_status( dv_demo demo, int flag ) { if ( demo->disconnected && flag ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_connect( demo->dv ); if ( error == valerie_ok ) demo->disconnected = 0; else beep(); } if ( flag ) { valerie_status_t status; valerie_notifier notifier = valerie_get_notifier( demo->dv ); valerie_notifier_get( notifier, &status, demo->selected_unit ); demo->showing = 1; dv_demo_show_status( demo, &status ); } else { demo->showing = 0; printf( "%-80.80s\r", " " ); fflush( stdout ); } } /** Add a unit. */ valerie_error_code dv_demo_add_unit( dv_demo demo ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_ok; valerie_nodes nodes = valerie_nodes_init( demo->dv ); valerie_units units = valerie_units_init( demo->dv ); if ( valerie_nodes_count( nodes ) != -1 && valerie_units_count( units ) != -1 ) { char pressed; valerie_node_entry_t node; valerie_unit_entry_t unit; int node_index = 0; int unit_index = 0; printf( "Select a Node\n\n" ); for ( node_index = 0; node_index < valerie_nodes_count( nodes ); node_index ++ ) { valerie_nodes_get( nodes, node_index, &node ); printf( "%d: %s - %s ", node_index + 1, node.guid, node.name ); for ( unit_index = 0; unit_index < valerie_units_count( units ); unit_index ++ ) { valerie_units_get( units, unit_index, &unit ); if ( !strcmp( unit.guid, node.guid ) ) printf( "[U%d] ", unit.unit ); } printf( "\n" ); } printf( "0. Exit\n\n" ); printf( "Node: " ); while ( ( pressed = get_keypress( ) ) != '0' ) { node_index = pressed - '1'; if ( node_index >= 0 && node_index < valerie_nodes_count( nodes ) ) { int unit; printf( "%c\n\n", pressed ); valerie_nodes_get( nodes, node_index, &node ); if ( valerie_unit_add( demo->dv, node.guid, &unit ) == valerie_ok ) { printf( "Unit added as U%d\n", unit ); demo->selected_unit = unit; } else { int index = 0; valerie_response response = valerie_get_last_response( demo->dv ); printf( "Failed to add unit:\n\n" ); for( index = 1; index < valerie_response_count( response ) - 1; index ++ ) printf( "%s\n", valerie_response_get_line( response, index ) ); } printf( "\n" ); wait_for_any_key( NULL ); break; } else { beep( ); } } } else { printf( "Invalid response from the server.\n\n" ); wait_for_any_key( NULL ); } valerie_nodes_close( nodes ); valerie_units_close( units ); return error; } /** Select a unit. */ valerie_error_code dv_demo_select_unit( dv_demo demo ) { int terminated = 0; int refresh = 1; while ( !terminated ) { valerie_units units = valerie_units_init( demo->dv ); if ( valerie_units_count( units ) > 0 ) { valerie_unit_entry_t unit; int index = 0; char key = '\0'; if ( refresh ) { printf( "Select a Unit\n\n" ); for ( index = 0; index < valerie_units_count( units ); index ++ ) { valerie_units_get( units, index, &unit ); printf( "%d: U%d - %s [%s]\n", index + 1, unit.unit, unit.guid, unit.online ? "online" : "offline" ); } printf( "0: Exit\n\n" ); printf( "Unit [%d]: ", demo->selected_unit + 1 ); refresh = 0; } key = get_keypress( ); if ( key == '\r' ) key = demo->selected_unit + '1'; if ( key != '0' ) { if ( key >= '1' && key < '1' + valerie_units_count( units ) ) { demo->selected_unit = key - '1'; printf( "%c\n\n", key ); dv_demo_load( demo ); refresh = 1; } else { beep( ); } } else { printf( "0\n\n" ); terminated = 1; } } else if ( valerie_units_count( units ) == 0 ) { printf( "No units added - add a unit first\n\n" ); dv_demo_add_unit( demo ); } else { printf( "Unable to obtain Unit List.\n" ); terminated = 1; } valerie_units_close( units ); } return valerie_ok; } /** Execute an arbitrary command. */ valerie_error_code dv_demo_execute( dv_demo demo ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_ok; char command[ 10240 ]; int terminated = 0; printf( "DV1394D Shell\n" ); printf( "Enter an empty command to exit.\n\n" ); while ( !terminated ) { terminated = 1; printf( "Command> " ); if ( chomp( get_string( command, 10240, "" ) ) != NULL ) { if ( strcmp( command, "" ) ) { int index = 0; valerie_response response = NULL; error = valerie_execute( demo->dv, 10240, command ); printf( "\n" ); response = valerie_get_last_response( demo->dv ); for ( index = 0; index < valerie_response_count( response ); index ++ ) { char *line = valerie_response_get_line( response, index ); printf( "%4d: %s\n", index, line ); } printf( "\n" ); terminated = 0; } } } printf( "\n" ); return error; } /** Add a file to the queue. */ valerie_error_code dv_demo_queue_add( dv_demo demo, dv_demo_queue queue, char *file ) { valerie_status_t status; valerie_notifier notifier = valerie_get_notifier( demo->dv ); if ( ( queue->tail + 1 ) % 50 == queue->head ) queue->head = ( queue->head + 1 ) % 50; strcpy( queue->list[ queue->tail ], file ); queue->tail = ( queue->tail + 1 ) % 50; valerie_notifier_get( notifier, &status, queue->unit ); valerie_notifier_put( notifier, &status ); return valerie_ok; } /** Basic queue maintenance and status reports. */ valerie_error_code dv_demo_queue_maintenance( dv_demo demo, dv_demo_queue queue ) { printf( "Queue Maintenance for Unit %d\n\n", queue->unit ); if ( !queue->mode ) { char ch; printf( "Activate queueing? [Y] " ); ch = get_keypress( ); if ( ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y' || ch == '\r' ) queue->mode = 1; printf( "\n\n" ); } if ( queue->mode ) { int terminated = 0; int last_position = -2; term_init( ); while ( !terminated ) { int first = ( queue->position + 1 ) % 50; int index = first; if ( first == queue->tail ) index = first = queue->head; if ( queue->head == queue->tail ) { if ( last_position == -2 ) { printf( "Queue is empty\n" ); printf( "\n" ); printf( "0 = exit, t = turn off queueing\n\n" ); last_position = -1; } } else if ( last_position != queue->position ) { printf( "Order of play\n\n" ); do { printf( "%c%02d: %s\n", index == first ? '*' : ' ', index, queue->list[ index ] + 1 ); index = ( index + 1 ) % 50; if ( index == queue->tail ) index = queue->head; } while( index != first ); printf( "\n" ); printf( "0 = exit, t = turn off queueing, c = clear queue\n\n" ); last_position = queue->position; } dv_demo_change_status( demo, 1 ); switch( term_read( ) ) { case -1: break; case '0': terminated = 1; break; case 't': terminated = 1; queue->mode = 0; break; case 'c': queue->head = queue->tail = 0; queue->position = -1; last_position = -2; break; } dv_demo_change_status( demo, 0 ); } term_exit( ); } return valerie_ok; } /** Load a file to the selected unit. Horrible function - sorry :-/. Not a good demo.... */ valerie_error_code dv_demo_load( dv_demo demo ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_ok; int terminated = 0; int refresh = 1; int start = 0; strcpy( demo->current_directory, demo->last_directory ); term_init( ); while ( !terminated ) { valerie_dir dir = valerie_dir_init( demo->dv, demo->current_directory ); if ( valerie_dir_count( dir ) == -1 ) { printf( "Invalid directory - retrying %s\n", demo->last_directory ); valerie_dir_close( dir ); dir = valerie_dir_init( demo->dv, demo->last_directory ); if ( valerie_dir_count( dir ) == -1 ) { printf( "Invalid directory - going back to /\n" ); valerie_dir_close( dir ); dir = valerie_dir_init( demo->dv, "/" ); strcpy( demo->current_directory, "/" ); } else { strcpy( demo->current_directory, demo->last_directory ); } } terminated = valerie_dir_count( dir ) == -1; if ( !terminated ) { int index = 0; int selected = 0; int max = 9; int end = 0; end = valerie_dir_count( dir ); strcpy( demo->last_directory, demo->current_directory ); while ( !selected && !terminated ) { valerie_dir_entry_t entry; int pressed; if ( refresh ) { char *action = "Load & Play"; if ( demo->queues[ demo->selected_unit ].mode ) action = "Queue"; printf( "%s from %s\n\n", action, demo->current_directory ); if ( strcmp( demo->current_directory, "/" ) ) printf( "-: Parent directory\n" ); for ( index = start; index < end && ( index - start ) < max; index ++ ) { valerie_dir_get( dir, index, &entry ); printf( "%d: %s\n", index - start + 1, entry.name ); } while ( ( index ++ % 9 ) != 0 ) printf( "\n" ); printf( "\n" ); if ( start + max < end ) printf( "space = more files" ); else if ( end > max ) printf( "space = return to start of list" ); if ( start > 0 ) printf( ", b = previous files" ); printf( "\n" ); printf( "0 = abort, t = transport, x = execute command, q = queue maintenance\n\n" ); refresh = 0; } dv_demo_change_status( demo, 1 ); pressed = term_read( ); switch( pressed ) { case -1: break; case '0': terminated = 1; break; case 'b': refresh = start - max >= 0; if ( refresh ) start = start - max; break; case ' ': refresh = start + max < end; if ( refresh ) { start = start + max; } else if ( end > max ) { start = 0; refresh = 1; } break; case '-': if ( strcmp( demo->current_directory, "/" ) ) { selected = 1; ( *strrchr( demo->current_directory, '/' ) ) = '\0'; ( *( strrchr( demo->current_directory, '/' ) + 1 ) ) = '\0'; } break; case 't': dv_demo_change_status( demo, 0 ); term_exit( ); dv_demo_transport( demo ); term_init( ); selected = 1; break; case 'x': dv_demo_change_status( demo, 0 ); term_exit( ); dv_demo_execute( demo ); term_init( ); selected = 1; break; case 'q': dv_demo_change_status( demo, 0 ); term_exit( ); dv_demo_queue_maintenance( demo, &demo->queues[ demo->selected_unit ] ); term_init( ); selected = 1; break; default: if ( pressed >= '1' && pressed <= '9' ) { if ( ( start + pressed - '1' ) < end ) { valerie_dir_get( dir, start + pressed - '1', &entry ); selected = 1; strcat( demo->current_directory, entry.name ); } } break; } dv_demo_change_status( demo, 0 ); } valerie_dir_close( dir ); } if ( !terminated && demo->current_directory[ strlen( demo->current_directory ) - 1 ] != '/' ) { if ( demo->queues[ demo->selected_unit ].mode == 0 ) { error = valerie_unit_load( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, demo->current_directory ); valerie_unit_play( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit ); } else { dv_demo_queue_add( demo, &demo->queues[ demo->selected_unit ], demo->current_directory ); printf( "File %s added to queue.\n", demo->current_directory ); } strcpy( demo->current_directory, demo->last_directory ); refresh = 0; } else { refresh = 1; start = 0; } } term_exit( ); return error; } /** Set the in point of the clip on the select unit. */ valerie_error_code dv_demo_set_in( dv_demo demo ) { int position = 0; valerie_status_t status; valerie_notifier notifier = valerie_parser_get_notifier( demo->parser ); valerie_notifier_get( notifier, &status, demo->selected_unit ); position = status.position; return valerie_unit_set_in( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, position ); } /** Set the out point of the clip on the selected unit. */ valerie_error_code dv_demo_set_out( dv_demo demo ) { int position = 0; valerie_status_t status; valerie_notifier notifier = valerie_parser_get_notifier( demo->parser ); valerie_notifier_get( notifier, &status, demo->selected_unit ); position = status.position; return valerie_unit_set_out( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, position ); } /** Clear the in and out points on the selected unit. */ valerie_error_code dv_demo_clear_in_out( dv_demo demo ) { return valerie_unit_clear_in_out( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit ); } /** Goto a user specified frame on the selected unit. */ valerie_error_code dv_demo_goto( dv_demo demo ) { int frame = 0; printf( "Frame: " ); if ( get_int( &frame, 0 ) ) return valerie_unit_goto( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, frame ); return valerie_ok; } /** Manipulate playback on the selected unit. */ valerie_error_code dv_demo_transport( dv_demo demo ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_ok; int refresh = 1; int terminated = 0; valerie_status_t status; valerie_notifier notifier = valerie_get_notifier( demo->dv ); while ( !terminated ) { if ( refresh ) { printf( " +----+ +------+ +----+ +------+ +---+ +-----+ +------+ +-----+ +---+ \n" ); printf( " |1=-5| |2=-2.5| |3=-1| |4=-0.5| |5=1| |6=0.5| |7=1.25| |8=2.5| |9=5| \n" ); printf( " +----+ +------+ +----+ +------+ +---+ +-----+ +------+ +-----+ +---+ \n" ); printf( "\n" ); printf( "+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" ); printf( "| 0 = quit, x = eXecute, 'space' = pause |\n" ); printf( "| g = goto a frame, q = queue maintenance |\n" ); printf( "| h = step -1, j = end of clip, k = start of clip, l = step 1 |\n" ); printf( "| eof handling: p = pause, r = repeat, t = terminate |\n" ); printf( "| i = set in point, o = set out point, c = clear in/out |\n" ); printf( "| u = use point settings, d = don't use point settings |\n" ); printf( "+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" ); printf( "\n" ); term_init( ); refresh = 0; } dv_demo_change_status( demo, 1 ); switch( term_read( ) ) { case '0': terminated = 1; break; case -1: break; case ' ': error = valerie_unit_pause( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit ); break; case '1': error = valerie_unit_play_at_speed( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, -5000 ); break; case '2': error = valerie_unit_play_at_speed( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, -2500 ); break; case '3': error = valerie_unit_play_at_speed( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, -1000 ); break; case '4': error = valerie_unit_play_at_speed( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, -500 ); break; case '5': error = valerie_unit_play( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit ); break; case '6': error = valerie_unit_play_at_speed( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, 500 ); break; case '7': error = valerie_unit_play_at_speed( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, 1250 ); break; case '8': error = valerie_unit_play_at_speed( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, 2500 ); break; case '9': error = valerie_unit_play_at_speed( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, 5000 ); break; case 's': error = valerie_unit_goto( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, 0 ); break; case 'h': error = valerie_unit_step( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, -1 ); break; case 'j': valerie_notifier_get( notifier, &status, demo->selected_unit ); error = valerie_unit_goto( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, status.tail_out ); break; case 'k': valerie_notifier_get( notifier, &status, demo->selected_unit ); error = valerie_unit_goto( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, status.in ); break; case 'l': error = valerie_unit_step( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, 1 ); break; case 'p': error = valerie_unit_set( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, "eof", "pause" ); break; case 'r': error = valerie_unit_set( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, "eof", "loop" ); break; case 't': error = valerie_unit_set( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, "eof", "stop" ); break; case 'i': error = dv_demo_set_in( demo ); break; case 'o': error = dv_demo_set_out( demo ); break; case 'g': dv_demo_change_status( demo, 0 ); term_exit( ); error = dv_demo_goto( demo ); refresh = 1; break; case 'c': error = dv_demo_clear_in_out( demo ); break; case 'u': error = valerie_unit_set( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, "points", "use" ); break; case 'd': error = valerie_unit_set( demo->dv, demo->selected_unit, "points", "ignore" ); break; case 'x': dv_demo_change_status( demo, 0 ); term_exit( ); dv_demo_execute( demo ); refresh = 1; break; case 'q': dv_demo_change_status( demo, 0 ); term_exit( ); dv_demo_queue_maintenance( demo, &demo->queues[ demo->selected_unit ] ); refresh = 1; break; } dv_demo_change_status( demo, 0 ); } term_exit( ); return error; } /** Recursive menu execution. */ valerie_error_code dv_demo_run_menu( dv_demo demo, dv_demo_menu menu ) { char *items = "123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; int refresh_menu = 1; int terminated = 0; int item_count = 0; int item_selected = 0; int index = 0; char key; while( !terminated ) { if ( refresh_menu ) { printf( "%s\n\n", menu->description ); for ( index = 0; menu->array[ index ].option != NULL; index ++ ) printf( "%c: %s\n", items[ index ], menu->array[ index ].option ); printf( "0: Exit\n\n" ); printf( "Select Option: " ); refresh_menu = 0; item_count = index; } key = get_keypress( ); if ( demo->disconnected && key != '0' ) { valerie_error_code error = valerie_connect( demo->dv ); if ( error == valerie_ok ) demo->disconnected = 0; else beep(); } if ( !demo->disconnected || key == '0' ) { item_selected = strchr( items, key ) - items; if ( key == '0' ) { printf( "%c\n\n", key ); terminated = 1; } else if ( item_selected >= 0 && item_selected < item_count ) { printf( "%c\n\n", key ); menu->array[ item_selected ].function( demo ); refresh_menu = 1; } else { beep( ); } } } return valerie_ok; } /** Entry point for main menu. */ void dv_demo_run( dv_demo this ) { this->dv = valerie_init( this->parser ); this->dv_status = valerie_init( this->parser ); if ( valerie_connect( this->dv ) == valerie_ok ) { pthread_create( &this->thread, NULL, dv_demo_status_thread, this ); dv_demo_run_menu( this, &connected_menu ); this->terminated = 1; pthread_join( this->thread, NULL ); this->terminated = 0; } else { printf( "Unable to connect." ); wait_for_any_key( "" ); } valerie_close( this->dv_status ); valerie_close( this->dv ); printf( "Demo Exit.\n" ); } /** Close the demo structure. */ void dv_demo_close( dv_demo demo ) { free( demo ); }