#!/bin/env sh path=`which java 2> /dev/null` if [ $? = 0 ] then # Locate the path for the include path=`dirname $path` path=`dirname $path` # Change this as needed export JAVA_INCLUDE="-I$path/include -I$path/include/linux" ln -sf ../mltpp.i . # Invoke swig mkdir -p src_swig/net/sourceforge/mltpp swig -c++ -I/usr/local/include/mlt++ `mlt-config --cflags` -java -outdir src_swig/net/sourceforge/mltpp -package net.sourceforge.mltpp mltpp.i || exit $? # Compile the wrapper g++ -D_GNU_SOURCE -c -rdynamic -pthread -I/usr/local/include/mlt++ `mlt-config --cflags` mltpp_wrap.cxx $JAVA_INCLUDE || exit $? # Create the module ld -shared mltpp_wrap.o -lmlt++ -o libmltpp_java.so || exit $? # Compile the test javac `find src_swig -name '*.java'` || exit $? export CLASSPATH=`pwd`/src_swig javac Play.java else echo "Java command not found" exit 1 fi