/** * MltProperties.cpp - MLT Wrapper * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Charles Yates * Author: Charles Yates * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "MltProperties.h" #include "MltEvent.h" using namespace Mlt; Properties::Properties( ) : instance( NULL ) { instance = mlt_properties_new( ); } Properties::Properties( bool dummy ) : instance( NULL ) { } Properties::Properties( Properties &properties ) : instance( properties.get_properties( ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Incrementing ref count on properties #1\n" ); inc_ref( ); } Properties::Properties( mlt_properties properties ) : instance( properties ) { fprintf( stderr, "Incrementing ref count on properties #2\n" ); inc_ref( ); } Properties::Properties( char *file ) : instance( NULL ) { instance = mlt_properties_load( file ); } Properties::~Properties( ) { mlt_properties_close( instance ); } mlt_properties Properties::get_properties( ) { return instance; } int Properties::inc_ref( ) { return mlt_properties_inc_ref( get_properties( ) ); } int Properties::dec_ref( ) { return mlt_properties_dec_ref( get_properties( ) ); } bool Properties::is_valid( ) { return get_properties( ) != NULL; } int Properties::count( ) { return mlt_properties_count( get_properties( ) ); } char *Properties::get( char *name ) { return mlt_properties_get( get_properties( ), name ); } int Properties::get_int( char *name ) { return mlt_properties_get_int( get_properties( ), name ); } double Properties::get_double( char *name ) { return mlt_properties_get_double( get_properties( ), name ); } void *Properties::get_data( char *name, int &size ) { return mlt_properties_get_data( get_properties( ), name, &size ); } int Properties::set( char *name, char *value ) { return mlt_properties_set( get_properties( ), name, value ); } int Properties::set( char *name, int value ) { return mlt_properties_set_int( get_properties( ), name, value ); } int Properties::set( char *name, double value ) { return mlt_properties_set_double( get_properties( ), name, value ); } int Properties::set( char *name, void *value, int size, mlt_destructor destructor, mlt_serialiser serialiser ) { return mlt_properties_set_data( get_properties( ), name, value, size, destructor, serialiser ); } int Properties::pass_values( Properties &that, char *prefix ) { return mlt_properties_pass( get_properties( ), that.get_properties( ), prefix ); } int Properties::parse( char *namevalue ) { return mlt_properties_parse( get_properties( ), namevalue ); } char *Properties::get_name( int index ) { return mlt_properties_get_name( get_properties( ), index ); } char *Properties::get( int index ) { return mlt_properties_get_value( get_properties( ), index ); } void *Properties::get_data( int index, int &size ) { return mlt_properties_get_data_at( get_properties( ), index, &size ); } void Properties::mirror( Properties &that ) { mlt_properties_mirror( get_properties( ), that.get_properties( ) ); } int Properties::inherit( Properties &that ) { return mlt_properties_inherit( get_properties( ), that.get_properties( ) ); } int Properties::rename( char *source, char *dest ) { return mlt_properties_rename( get_properties( ), source, dest ); } void Properties::dump( FILE *output ) { mlt_properties_dump( get_properties( ), output ); } void Properties::debug( char *title, FILE *output ) { mlt_properties_debug( get_properties( ), title, output ); } int Properties::save( char *file ) { int error = 0; FILE *f = fopen( file, "w" ); if ( f != NULL ) { dump( f ); fclose( f ); } else { error = 1; } return error; } void Properties::listen( char *id, void *object, mlt_listener listener ) { char key[ 128 ]; mlt_event event = mlt_events_listen( get_properties( ), object, id, listener ); if ( event != NULL ) { sprintf( key, "_%p", event ); mlt_properties_set_data( get_properties( ), key, event, 0, ( mlt_destructor )mlt_event_close, NULL ); } } Event *Properties::setup_wait_for( char *id ) { return new Event( mlt_events_setup_wait_for( get_properties( ), id ) ); } void Properties::wait_for( Event *event, bool destroy ) { mlt_events_wait_for( get_properties( ), event->get_event( ) ); if ( destroy ) { mlt_events_close_wait_for( get_properties( ), event->get_event( ) ); delete event; } }