consumer_avformat.c: fix deprecated warning on av_set_string
[melted] / src / inigo / inigo.c
1 /*
2 * inigo.c -- MLT command line utility
3 * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Ushodaya Enterprises Limited
4 * Author: Charles Yates <>
5 *
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 * (at your option) any later version.
10 *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
18 * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
19 */
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <string.h>
24 #include <sched.h>
26 #include <framework/mlt.h>
28 #ifdef __DARWIN__
29 #include <SDL.h>
30 #endif
32 #include "io.h"
34 static void transport_action( mlt_producer producer, char *value )
35 {
36 mlt_properties properties = MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( producer );
37 mlt_multitrack multitrack = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "multitrack", NULL );
38 mlt_consumer consumer = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "transport_consumer", NULL );
40 mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "stats_off", 0 );
42 if ( strlen( value ) == 1 )
43 {
44 switch( value[ 0 ] )
45 {
46 case 'q':
47 mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "done", 1 );
48 break;
49 case '0':
50 mlt_producer_set_speed( producer, 1 );
51 mlt_producer_seek( producer, 0 );
52 break;
53 case '1':
54 mlt_producer_set_speed( producer, -10 );
55 break;
56 case '2':
57 mlt_producer_set_speed( producer, -5 );
58 break;
59 case '3':
60 mlt_producer_set_speed( producer, -2 );
61 break;
62 case '4':
63 mlt_producer_set_speed( producer, -1 );
64 break;
65 case '5':
66 mlt_producer_set_speed( producer, 0 );
67 break;
68 case '6':
69 case ' ':
70 mlt_producer_set_speed( producer, 1 );
71 break;
72 case '7':
73 mlt_producer_set_speed( producer, 2 );
74 break;
75 case '8':
76 mlt_producer_set_speed( producer, 5 );
77 break;
78 case '9':
79 mlt_producer_set_speed( producer, 10 );
80 break;
81 case 'd':
82 if ( multitrack != NULL )
83 {
84 int i = 0;
85 mlt_position last = -1;
86 fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
87 for ( i = 0; 1; i ++ )
88 {
89 mlt_position time = mlt_multitrack_clip( multitrack, mlt_whence_relative_start, i );
90 if ( time == last )
91 break;
92 last = time;
93 fprintf( stderr, "%d: %d\n", i, (int)time );
94 }
95 }
96 break;
98 case 'g':
99 if ( multitrack != NULL )
100 {
101 mlt_position time = mlt_multitrack_clip( multitrack, mlt_whence_relative_current, 0 );
102 mlt_producer_seek( producer, time );
103 }
104 break;
105 case 'H':
106 if ( producer != NULL )
107 {
108 mlt_position position = mlt_producer_position( producer );
109 mlt_producer_seek( producer, position - ( mlt_producer_get_fps( producer ) * 60 ) );
110 }
111 break;
112 case 'h':
113 if ( producer != NULL )
114 {
115 mlt_position position = mlt_producer_position( producer );
116 mlt_producer_set_speed( producer, 0 );
117 mlt_producer_seek( producer, position - 1 );
118 }
119 break;
120 case 'j':
121 if ( multitrack != NULL )
122 {
123 mlt_position time = mlt_multitrack_clip( multitrack, mlt_whence_relative_current, 1 );
124 mlt_producer_seek( producer, time );
125 }
126 break;
127 case 'k':
128 if ( multitrack != NULL )
129 {
130 mlt_position time = mlt_multitrack_clip( multitrack, mlt_whence_relative_current, -1 );
131 mlt_producer_seek( producer, time );
132 }
133 break;
134 case 'l':
135 if ( producer != NULL )
136 {
137 mlt_position position = mlt_producer_position( producer );
138 if ( mlt_producer_get_speed( producer ) != 0 )
139 mlt_producer_set_speed( producer, 0 );
140 else
141 mlt_producer_seek( producer, position + 1 );
142 }
143 break;
144 case 'L':
145 if ( producer != NULL )
146 {
147 mlt_position position = mlt_producer_position( producer );
148 mlt_producer_seek( producer, position + ( mlt_producer_get_fps( producer ) * 60 ) );
149 }
150 break;
151 }
153 mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer ), "refresh", 1 );
154 }
156 mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "stats_off", 0 );
157 }
159 static mlt_consumer create_consumer( mlt_profile profile, char *id )
160 {
161 char *arg = id != NULL ? strchr( id, ':' ) : NULL;
162 if ( arg != NULL )
163 *arg ++ = '\0';
164 mlt_consumer consumer = mlt_factory_consumer( profile, id, arg );
165 if ( consumer != NULL )
166 {
167 mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer );
168 mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "transport_callback", transport_action, 0, NULL, NULL );
169 }
170 return consumer;
171 }
173 #ifdef __DARWIN__
175 static void event_handling( mlt_producer producer, mlt_consumer consumer )
176 {
177 SDL_Event event;
179 while ( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) )
180 {
181 switch( event.type )
182 {
183 case SDL_QUIT:
184 mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( consumer ), "done", 1 );
185 break;
187 case SDL_KEYDOWN:
188 if ( event.key.keysym.unicode < 0x80 && event.key.keysym.unicode > 0 )
189 {
190 char keyboard[ 2 ] = { event.key.keysym.unicode, 0 };
191 transport_action( producer, keyboard );
192 }
193 break;
194 }
195 }
196 }
198 #endif
200 static void transport( mlt_producer producer, mlt_consumer consumer )
201 {
202 mlt_properties properties = MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( producer );
203 int silent = mlt_properties_get_int( MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer ), "silent" );
204 int progress = mlt_properties_get_int( MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer ), "progress" );
205 struct timespec tm = { 0, 40000 };
206 int total_length = mlt_producer_get_length( producer );
207 int last_position = 0;
209 if ( mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "done" ) == 0 && !mlt_consumer_is_stopped( consumer ) )
210 {
211 if ( !silent && !progress )
212 {
213 term_init( );
215 fprintf( stderr, "+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+\n" );
216 fprintf( stderr, "|1=-10| |2= -5| |3= -2| |4= -1| |5= 0| |6= 1| |7= 2| |8= 5| |9= 10|\n" );
217 fprintf( stderr, "+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+\n" );
219 fprintf( stderr, "+---------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" );
220 fprintf( stderr, "| H = back 1 minute, L = forward 1 minute |\n" );
221 fprintf( stderr, "| h = previous frame, l = next frame |\n" );
222 fprintf( stderr, "| g = start of clip, j = next clip, k = previous clip |\n" );
223 fprintf( stderr, "| 0 = restart, q = quit, space = play |\n" );
224 fprintf( stderr, "+---------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" );
225 }
227 while( mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "done" ) == 0 && !mlt_consumer_is_stopped( consumer ) )
228 {
229 int value = ( silent || progress )? -1 : term_read( );
231 if ( value != -1 )
232 {
233 char string[ 2 ] = { value, 0 };
234 transport_action( producer, string );
235 }
237 #ifdef __DARWIN__
238 event_handling( producer, consumer );
239 #endif
241 if ( !silent && mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "stats_off" ) == 0 )
242 {
243 if ( progress )
244 {
245 int current_position = mlt_producer_position( producer );
246 if ( current_position > last_position )
247 {
248 fprintf( stderr, "Current Frame: %10d, percentage: %10d\r",
249 current_position, 100 * current_position / total_length );
250 last_position = current_position;
251 }
252 }
253 else
254 {
255 fprintf( stderr, "Current Position: %10d\r", (int)mlt_producer_position( producer ) );
256 }
257 }
259 if ( silent )
260 nanosleep( &tm, NULL );
261 }
263 if ( !silent )
264 fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
265 }
266 }
268 static void query_metadata( mlt_repository repo, mlt_service_type type, char *typestr, char *id )
269 {
270 mlt_properties metadata = mlt_repository_metadata( repo, type, id );
271 if ( metadata )
272 {
273 char *s = mlt_properties_serialise_yaml( metadata );
274 fprintf( stderr, "%s", s );
275 free( s );
276 }
277 else
278 {
279 fprintf( stderr, "# No metadata for %s \"%s\"\n", typestr, id );
280 }
281 }
283 static void query_services( mlt_repository repo, mlt_service_type type )
284 {
285 mlt_properties services = NULL;
286 char *typestr = NULL;
287 switch ( type )
288 {
289 case consumer_type:
290 services = mlt_repository_consumers( repo );
291 typestr = "consumers";
292 break;
293 case filter_type:
294 services = mlt_repository_filters( repo );
295 typestr = "filters";
296 break;
297 case producer_type:
298 services = mlt_repository_producers( repo );
299 typestr = "producers";
300 break;
301 case transition_type:
302 services = mlt_repository_transitions( repo );
303 typestr = "transitions";
304 break;
305 default:
306 return;
307 }
308 fprintf( stderr, "---\n%s:\n", typestr );
309 if ( services )
310 {
311 int j;
312 for ( j = 0; j < mlt_properties_count( services ); j++ )
313 fprintf( stderr, " - %s\n", mlt_properties_get_name( services, j ) );
314 }
315 fprintf( stderr, "...\n" );
316 }
318 int main( int argc, char **argv )
319 {
320 int i;
321 mlt_consumer consumer = NULL;
322 mlt_producer inigo = NULL;
323 FILE *store = NULL;
324 char *name = NULL;
325 struct sched_param scp;
326 mlt_profile profile = NULL;
328 // Use realtime scheduling if possible
329 memset( &scp, '\0', sizeof( scp ) );
330 scp.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max( SCHED_FIFO ) - 1;
331 #ifndef __DARWIN__
332 sched_setscheduler( 0, SCHED_FIFO, &scp );
333 #endif
335 // Construct the factory
336 mlt_repository repo = mlt_factory_init( NULL );
338 for ( i = 1; i < argc; i ++ )
339 {
340 // Check for serialisation switch
341 if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-serialise" ) )
342 {
343 name = argv[ ++ i ];
344 if ( name != NULL && strstr( name, ".inigo" ) )
345 store = fopen( name, "w" );
346 else
347 {
348 if ( name == NULL || name[0] == '-' )
349 store = stdout;
350 name = NULL;
351 }
352 }
353 // Look for the profile option
354 else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-profile" ) )
355 {
356 const char *pname = argv[ ++ i ];
357 if ( pname && pname[0] != '-' )
358 profile = mlt_profile_init( pname );
359 }
360 // Look for the query option
361 else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-query" ) )
362 {
363 const char *pname = argv[ ++ i ];
364 if ( pname && pname[0] != '-' )
365 {
366 if ( !strcmp( pname, "consumers" ) || !strcmp( pname, "consumer" ) )
367 query_services( repo, consumer_type );
368 else if ( !strcmp( pname, "filters" ) || !strcmp( pname, "filter" ) )
369 query_services( repo, filter_type );
370 else if ( !strcmp( pname, "producers" ) || !strcmp( pname, "producer" ) )
371 query_services( repo, producer_type );
372 else if ( !strcmp( pname, "transitions" ) || !strcmp( pname, "transition" ) )
373 query_services( repo, transition_type );
375 else if ( !strncmp( pname, "consumer=", 9 ) )
376 query_metadata( repo, consumer_type, "consumer", strchr( pname, '=' ) + 1 );
377 else if ( !strncmp( pname, "filter=", 7 ) )
378 query_metadata( repo, filter_type, "filter", strchr( pname, '=' ) + 1 );
379 else if ( !strncmp( pname, "producer=", 9 ) )
380 query_metadata( repo, producer_type, "producer", strchr( pname, '=' ) + 1 );
381 else if ( !strncmp( pname, "transition=", 11 ) )
382 query_metadata( repo, transition_type, "transition", strchr( pname, '=' ) + 1 );
383 else
384 goto query_all;
385 }
386 else
387 {
388 query_all:
389 query_services( repo, consumer_type );
390 query_services( repo, filter_type );
391 query_services( repo, producer_type );
392 query_services( repo, transition_type );
393 fprintf( stderr, "# You can query the metadata for a specific service using:\n"
394 "# -query <type>=<identifer>\n"
395 "# where <type> is one of: consumer, filter, producer, or transition.\n" );
396 }
397 goto exit_factory;
398 }
399 }
401 // Create profile if not set explicitly
402 if ( profile == NULL )
403 profile = mlt_profile_init( NULL );
405 // Look for the consumer option
406 for ( i = 1; i < argc; i ++ )
407 {
408 if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-consumer" ) )
409 {
410 consumer = create_consumer( profile, argv[ ++ i ] );
411 if ( consumer )
412 {
413 mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer );
414 while ( argv[ i + 1 ] != NULL && strstr( argv[ i + 1 ], "=" ) )
415 mlt_properties_parse( properties, argv[ ++ i ] );
416 }
417 }
418 }
420 // If we have no consumer, default to sdl
421 if ( store == NULL && consumer == NULL )
422 consumer = create_consumer( profile, NULL );
424 // Get inigo producer
425 if ( argc > 1 )
426 inigo = mlt_factory_producer( profile, "inigo", &argv[ 1 ] );
428 // Set transport properties on consumer and produder
429 if ( consumer != NULL && inigo != NULL )
430 {
431 mlt_properties_set_data( MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer ), "transport_producer", inigo, 0, NULL, NULL );
432 mlt_properties_set_data( MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( inigo ), "transport_consumer", consumer, 0, NULL, NULL );
433 }
435 if ( argc > 1 && inigo != NULL && mlt_producer_get_length( inigo ) > 0 )
436 {
437 // Parse the arguments
438 for ( i = 1; i < argc; i ++ )
439 {
440 if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-serialise" ) )
441 {
442 if ( store != stdout )
443 i ++;
444 }
445 else
446 {
447 if ( store != NULL )
448 fprintf( store, "%s\n", argv[ i ] );
450 i ++;
452 while ( argv[ i ] != NULL && argv[ i ][ 0 ] != '-' )
453 {
454 if ( store != NULL )
455 fprintf( store, "%s\n", argv[ i ] );
456 i += 1;
457 }
459 i --;
460 }
461 }
463 if ( consumer != NULL && store == NULL )
464 {
465 // Get inigo's properties
466 mlt_properties inigo_props = MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( inigo );
468 // Get the last group
469 mlt_properties group = mlt_properties_get_data( inigo_props, "group", 0 );
471 // Apply group settings
472 mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer );
473 mlt_properties_inherit( properties, group );
475 // Connect consumer to inigo
476 mlt_consumer_connect( consumer, MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( inigo ) );
478 // Start the consumer
479 mlt_consumer_start( consumer );
481 // Transport functionality
482 transport( inigo, consumer );
484 // Stop the consumer
485 mlt_consumer_stop( consumer );
486 }
487 else if ( store != NULL && store != stdout && name != NULL )
488 {
489 fprintf( stderr, "Project saved as %s.\n", name );
490 fclose( store );
491 }
492 }
493 else
494 {
495 fprintf( stderr, "Usage: inigo [ -profile name ]\n"
496 " [ -query [ consumers | filters | producers | transitions |\n"
497 " type=identifer ] ]\n"
498 " [ -serialise [ filename.inigo ] ]\n"
499 " [ -group [ name=value ]* ]\n"
500 " [ -consumer id[:arg] [ name=value ]* [ silent=1 ] [ progress=1 ] ]\n"
501 " [ -filter filter[:arg] [ name=value ]* ]\n"
502 " [ -attach filter[:arg] [ name=value ]* ]\n"
503 " [ -mix length [ -mixer transition ]* ]\n"
504 " [ -transition id[:arg] [ name=value ]* ]\n"
505 " [ -blank frames ]\n"
506 " [ -track ]\n"
507 " [ -split relative-frame ]\n"
508 " [ -join clips ]\n"
509 " [ -repeat times ]\n"
510 " [ producer [ name=value ]* ]+\n" );
511 }
513 // Close the consumer
514 if ( consumer != NULL )
515 mlt_consumer_close( consumer );
517 // Close the producer
518 if ( inigo != NULL )
519 mlt_producer_close( inigo );
521 // Close the factory
522 mlt_profile_close( profile );
524 exit_factory:
526 mlt_factory_close( );
528 return 0;
529 }